

1、Children often have minor ailments.『5words』

2、homespun remedies for minor ailments『5words』

3、Stress may cause minor health ailments.『6words』

4、She always keeps on about her ailments.『7words』

5、Disharmony in your relationship may cause minor ailments.『8words』



6、A close second to infections was skin ailments.『8words』

7、Don't take too much notice of my small ailments.『9words』

8、chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments.『9words』

9、He could nurse his ailments comfortably on such an income.『10words』

10、A lack of exercise can lead to heart problems and other ailments.『12words』



11、Cod liver oil is also beneficial for overall health and for preventing common ailments.『14words』

12、Yoga has also been recognized as an effective therapeutic intervention targeted at many common ailments.『15words』

13、Yarrow has a spicy floral scent that is useful to stimulate regeneration and heal skin ailments.『16words』

14、Oversleeping itself is not seen as a risk but as a potential indicator of underlying ailments.『16words』

15、Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get me the attention I need.『17words』

16、She affected to be spunky about her ailments and afflictions, but she was in fact an utterly self-centered valetudinarian.『19words』

17、Elderberries have been used for centuries to cure countless ailments from the flu and fever to colds and colic.『19words』

18、Extremely high rates of premature deaths are linked to noxious gasses from the smelter, and lung-related ailments are commonplace.『19words』

19、This act possession is an act of bondage that later prevent the riddance of themselves from diseases and ailments.『19words』

20、His model involves building no-frills hospitals using standardised designs, connected like spokes to a hub that can handle more complex ailments.『21words』



21、Narcissism deserves its own category, she said, because like most mental ailments, narcissistic personality disorder is partially genetic and partially created by one's environment.『24words』

22、She then launched into a long animated explanation of the power of minestrone: how it cured headaches colds heartaches indigestion gout and liver ailments.『24words』

23、I can't help but wonder: will my parents' generation, moneyed and plentiful, create a market for many more such prosthetic devices that fight age-related ailments『25words』

24、Thefetish object: Ginseng root, thought to cure a wide variety of ailments rangingfrom insomnia to fatigue -- especially when it comes from the Badger State.『25words』

25、I'm talking about whole, plant-based foods. The effect it produces is broad for treatment and prevention of a wide variety of ailments, from cancer to heart disease to diabetes.『29words』

26、The OECD cites a finding that air pollution alone reduces the country's output by between 3% and 7% a year, mainly because of respiratory ailments that keep workers at home.『30words』

27、Towards the end of his life, that was not the case. He weighed over 400 LBS and had a permanently leeching leg ulcer, bed sores, and all manner of other ailments.『31words』

28、De stress and relax The physical effects of long term stress include colds, ulcers, asthma, heart attack, stroke, and chronic fatigue--all ailments that can erode your health and your love life.『31words』

29、Only five children born in the U.S. annually have the same type of LCA as Morehouse, but focusing on a rare single-gene defect is a good way to develop a model for treating more common ailments.『36words』


下一篇:either way造句,用either way怎么造句子(29句)