

1、absurdly early or inconvenient『4words』

2、These are absurdly low figures.『5words』

3、You are so absurdly bashful .『6words』

4、Of course it was absurdly high.『6words』

5、Why is housing so absurdly expensive?『6words』



6、They're absurdly unqualified to be considered experts.『7words』

7、The paintings were sold for absurdly high prices.『8words』

8、Prices were still absurdly low, in his opinion.『8words』

9、This example is absurdly simple, like the whole solution.『9words』

10、First, the Internet has made it absurdly easy to apply for jobs.『12words』



11、and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.『12words』

12、My login groovlet is also absurdly simple, as you can see in Listing 4.『14words』

13、Having been very blase about the whole thing, I found the reality absurdly moving.『14words』

14、One who damages company belongings or applies material absurdly to cause a waste of resources;『15words』

15、This summer, is filling the entire world absurdly. If that has the loneliness which resembles does not have.『18words』

16、Three yellow-billed blue magpies throw themselves into the air with startled chortles, fluttering their absurdly long tail feathers.『18words』

17、England's state schools have an absurdly complex rule book for how they may and may not choose their pupils.『19words』

18、Then, having eaten the dust before him, having wept and humiliated herself, she would be for a week absurdly happy.『20words』

19、Then there is the absurdly vexed question of what sort of benefits a donor can receive after making a gift.『20words』

20、But the ruddy, rotund and absurdly miscast Spencer Tracy, who had bought the rights and was co-producer, got the part.『20words』



21、Some firms say the rule would be absurdly costly to obey, especially if it includes workers abroad, part-timers or contractors.『20words』

22、The kids are screaming, the bills are due and there's a pile of work on your desk that's growing at an absurdly swift pace.『24words』

23、He tried to meet a friend in London without a pre- arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.『25words』

24、He said brightly that the country's minerals (which have been absurdly hyped in recent months) could be worth trillions and so could “make state building affordable”.『26words』

25、When I moved into middle management positions, I encountered situations with upper management that were absurdly similar to the trade-school newbie, just with a different set of tools.『28words』

26、Among some practical Suggestions, such as giving prudential supervision back to the Bank of England, it absurdly proposed that credit-rating agencies be obliged to invest in the assets they rate.『30words』

27、“And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization. "『34words』

28、“Without something of this kind, searching for intelligences on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a Pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter. "『38words』

29、If there was a triple EXP rune or some absurdly powerful rune, and the game morphed into the most important thing being camping for that rune, players would scream to nerf the rune, not all the heroes's abilities to scout and acquire the rune.『44words』


上一篇:either way造句,用either way怎么造句子(29句)