

1、To do for a second time;rework.『6words』

2、Evaluate business plan - rework as needed『7words』

3、Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, rework.『7words』

4、Don't rework your estimates on completed stories.『7words』

5、Provisions for repairs/rework separate from the containment area.『8words』



6、Significant rework to address changing or misinterpreted requirements.『8words』

7、Figure 4: The impact of rework on progress.『8words』

8、We should rework the meterials that were previously unprofitable.『9words』

9、Poor communication resulting in misunderstandings, quality problems and rework.『9words』

10、In this example: late changes that introduce a high degree of rework.『12words』



11、Take charge of gratis repair and rework if project quality doesn't meet contact's stipulation.『14words』

12、If products need rework, disadvantageous impacts should be determined and the rework documents should be formed.『16words』

13、Product stability: Can I accomplish my goal without a great deal of automation test script rework『16words』

14、The waste of capturing too much detail too early is essentially rework at the analysis level.『16words』

15、The liability shall be distinguished when the project is found to be illegible and needs rework.『16words』

16、It covers the background, solders, surface finishes, components, substrates, assembly processes, rework, and reliability of lead-free soldering.『17words』

17、Halfway through you available time, stop and rework your raw writing into something closer to finished product.『17words』

18、They also had no means to measure rework and could not differentiate between requirements churn and implementation issues.『18words』

19、Misunderstood processes or mismatched processes between teams can lead to mistakes in work transfer, increased rework, and decreased productivity.『19words』

20、She has an ability to concentrate on every sentence and to work and rework every passage until it is right.『20words』



21、The model can be exported with errors, but these should be fixed eventually so that rework is not required on future exports.『22words』

22、The OCLC Board of Trustees has appointed a new Record Use Policy Council to rework the terms of use governing its WorldCat bibliographic database.『24words』

23、Before a decision is taken to rework batches that do not conform to established standards or specifications, an investigation into the reason for nonconformance should be performed.『27words』

24、If the raw materials are in urgent need and they need the rework of the company, charge the supplier by certain amount (deduct from payment for goods).『27words』

25、So it is important that project managers put in place the same strategies and measures as defined for overlapping iterations: i.e., increased scrap and rework, low morale, etc.『28words』

26、The Quality Assurance Department chairs the Material Review Board which decides the disposition of the non-conforming materials. The decision may be 'reject and return to vendor', 'rework', 'degrade' or 'scrap'.『30words』

27、In one case, the test scripts were finished while the user interface was still changing; although some rework was necessary, the changes turned out to be fairly easy to integrate.『30words』

28、You may not know all of these details before you start, but the more of them you know, the less likely it is that you'll need to rework your mediation flow later.『32words』

29、This is not easy, because it demands that a highly skilled indexer be intimately familiar with all the features of the program. It may be easier to rework the interface to improve it than to create a really good index.『40words』

