


2、How can you negate God?『5words』

3、Interoperability problems can negate organizational initiatives.『6words』

4、Contemporary philosophy: development of idealism negate and negate『8words』

5、The Rightists negate the achievements in the people's cause.『9words』



6、A strong negative attitude may negate any learning effect.『9words』

7、This is absolutely the negate scale that touches her.『9words』

8、Mass advertising could negate the classical theory of supply and demand.『11words』

9、We should negate dialectically and inherit critically the traditional morality of commerce.『12words』

10、You can negate fear, negate anxiety or you can posit despair or weakness.『13words』



11、While Liu Xie "venerated Buddhism but opposed Taoism",he did not entirely negate Taoism.『13words』

12、Time's magic healing properties would negate this resolution, along with all the others.『13words』

13、They are not scientific magnify the activity and negate passivity, or magnify passivity and negate activity.『16words』

14、It is revisionism to negate the basic principles of Marxism and to negate its universal truth.『16words』

15、To negate this is to negate everything, including the war itself as well as the negator himself.『17words』

16、Enter a comment to negate the if (largestCityPopulationSB == null) statement by adding two forward-slash marks: //.『17words』

17、You can negate operators and perform case-sensitive comparisons if desired by selecting the appropriate boxes under Options.『17words』

18、Now that's the argument set out logic book style now I am going to negate the conclusion.『17words』

19、With too many computing resources, the hardware costs and other expenses negate the cost-reduction promises of cloud computing.『18words』

20、In my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything.『19words』



21、And may therefore negate the potential health benefits that can be derived from eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate.『19words』

22、From the angle of negation sight, multilingual education is a process in which one dares to negate himself and learn form others;『22words』

23、Sleep and brain SAP are both great survival abilities. You can shrug off enemy harass and negate any killing attempts they may have.『23words』

24、On the other side, the act of pure, genuine, uncaused free will is considered somehow to negate the divine rational order and makes the universe seem irrational.『27words』

25、Nietzsche realizes that existence is full of suffering but it does not mean that human should negate the meaning of life or put a negative attitude towards life.『28words』

26、So if you negate that conclusion and took away the therefore, if you negated that conclusion the set would be inconsistent wouldn't it? And that shows you that that's a valid argument.『32words』

27、The attempt to let one concept and one culture dominate the world and negate the unique tradition and independent choice of each country goes against the tide of the democratization of international relations.『33words』

28、Focusing on our differences has divided us humans and made us for millennia suspicious of each other. In the extreme, elevating our differences allows us to negate, dehumanize and eventually murder and maim each other.『35words』

29、I've said on many occasions that some people really were making vicious attacks at the time, trying to negate the leadership of the Communist Party and change the socialist orientation of our country. If we hadn't thwarted their attempt, we would not have been able to advance.『47words』

