

1、Aleph, alpha: noughtnought, one.『5words』

2、Nought lie down, nought take up.『6words』

3、One minus one leaves nought [zero].『6words』

4、We must bring their schemes to nought.『7words』

5、Don't let their suffering be for nought.『7words』



6、Imagination hath nought to do with it!『7words』

7、Good your Majesty, there's nought that needeth simplifying.『8words』

8、This awful corporation have nought plan at all!『8words』

9、Three thousand is written with a three and three nought.『10words』

10、The Greeks did nought, but play the fools and lie.『10words』



11、I give the programme nought out of ten for humour.『10words』

12、Tis nought but making bridal clothes for other folk to wear.『11words』

13、Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.『12words』

14、The man who asked "Do you have a motorbike?" scored an unsurprising nought out of ten.『16words』

15、So this doesn't fall, for example, at 6 a nought, but that's a really good question.『16words』

16、And remember, a nought, that's just the Bohr radius, that's all we need to worry about.『16words』

17、And it turns out that for a 2 s orbital, that's equal to 6 times a nought.『17words』

18、Be thou merciful—spare me this doom, and I will turn my back and see nought that shall happen.『18words』

19、But talk not of the soul, for to us it is nought, nor has it any value for our service.『20words』

20、Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought? neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought.『23words』



21、“' Nay," I answered, "but I will take nought but that leaden ring, for I know what is written within it, and for what purpose."『25words』

22、When I consider every thing that growsHold in perfection but a little moment,That this huge stage presenteth nought but showsWhereon the stars in secret influence comment.我琢磨着所有成长着的东西,它们都只有那么短的全盛时期,这巨大舞台上演的只是一幕幕的戏,早已被上苍的星宿安排完毕。『26words』

23、Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with Labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you.『28words』

24、KJV: But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.『28words』

25、The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage';『31words』

26、At this time, the Fu Nuo releases to hold my hand, Air Jordan 4, "I still go to Lord debt for you seek an antidote like, your the current outward is basically nought act."『34words』

27、Only when the paper has been marked with a big, fat nought will you be reminded that it was actually fellow countryman Pires who turned up first for Houllier at Villa Park back in November.『35words』

28、He saw I knew nought about it, and he told how a gentleman and lady had stopped to have a horse's shoe fastened at a blacksmith's shop, two miles out of Gimmerton, not very long after midnight!『37words』

29、That Political Economy, therefore, which busies itself about capital and labor, supply and demand, interest and rents, favorable and unfavorable balances of trade; but leaves out of account the element of a wide-spread mental development, is nought but stupendous folly.『40words』

