

1、早在1988年时我便买了一部toaster - modelMacSE,RAM仅有1 m,而且是9寸的黑白屏幕,我依然爱不释手。『4words』

2、The toaster has warmed the bread.『6words』

3、Did you buy your toaster yourself?『6words』

4、Do you satisfy with the present toaster『7words』

5、The toaster was on for more than an hour.『9words』



6、What is she doing with a toaster in her bag?『10words』

7、Please tell how do you use the toaster in details?『10words』

8、“Wipe kettle, toaster and other bench top kitchen top appliances."『10words』

9、New botham sells collection, restaurant toaster in all kinds of rainbow.『11words』

10、Better yet, use a small toaster oven to warm your foods.『11words』



11、I also decided to throw away the old toaster and get a new one.『14words』

12、Billy takes two slices of bread from the breadbox, puts them into the automatic toaster.『15words』

13、Think that a mid-range camera—or dishwasher or toaster—is the perfect compromise between value and luxury?『15words』

14、Like the toaster link should go to the toaster product page, not the Amazon home page.『16words』

15、Go with flatbread, a bit of cooking oil, sauce, cheese, and toppings, and a (toaster) oven.『16words』

16、An idea jumped into his mind, from out of nowhere, like bread emerging from a pop-up toaster.『17words』

17、I don't know anyone who would like a green cashmere jumper with a matching kettle and toaster.『17words』

18、An ancient Thracian axiom states you can exist without a toaster oven, but is it ain't really living?『18words』

19、If we accept this as true, then it poses the question: "what kind of toaster oven is right for me?"『20words』

20、“appliance: device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use."『21words』



21、A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electrical device, such as a toaster, for household use.『21words』

22、 The silver toaster jumped out of the toast and spider-like metal tentacles grabbed the bread and spread it with melted butter.『22words』

23、I mean, when you buy a toaster, there has been some assurance provided that that toaster will not explode in your face — right?『24words』

24、If you've ever prepared breakfast sandwiches at home, you know that it's a multi-step process requiring more than one pan and a toaster for the bread.『26words』

25、He offered me the choice of any one of these for a wedding present: a set of fish knives, a teapot, an electric toaster, and a standard lamp.『28words』

26、Back in 1988 I bought a toaster-model Mac SE, with one Megabyte of RAM, and I loved it. It only had a nine inch, black-and-white screen, and I loved it.『30words』

27、I am a living, breathing thing, a thing that can draw with a pen and toast with a toaster and chat with a housewife, who is sitting on a couch eating toast.『32words』

28、Every toaster, lawn mower and mobile phone is designed to minimise the risk of causing injury— yet people still manage to electrocute themselves, lose fingers or fall out of windows in an effort to get a better signal.『38words』

29、The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster, Internet appliance, Internet device -- and other more or less flattering monikers -- is the low cost, no maintenance desktop device intended to allow users to effortlessly connect to the Internet and network resources.『43words』

