

1、He had an unkempt appearance.『5words』

2、A woman considered ugly or unkempt.『6words』

3、His hair was unkempt and filthy.『6words』

4、The old beggar was dirty and unkempt.『7words』

5、Their faces were unkempt, their clothing sloppy.『7words』



6、an unkempt garden; native vistas and unkempt rambling paths.『9words』

7、I have unkempt hair I have to comb it.『9words』

8、These adjectives apply to what is unclean, impure, or unkempt.『10words』

9、Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and.『11words』

10、A group of unkempt children looked curiously at the two strangers.『11words』



11、He was untidy, unkempt, and wearing the funny old rags of his happy days.『14words』

12、They are like junkies, with unkempt hair and beards, bad skin and poor appetites.『14words』

13、Unclean, unkempt, clothed in rags and hunger and madness, he saw himself victorious, heroic and beautiful.『16words』

14、The move was based on the so-called, "broken Windows theory," that disorderly, unkempt neighborhoods attract crime.『16words』

15、Now largely abandoned and unkempt, its paving stones are long overgrown with grass or are missing completely.『17words』

16、These jobs Gou Jian performed assiduously and punctiliously, always dressed in tatters and looking unkempt and dirty.『17words』

17、With his unkempt hair and drooping moustache, he looked much like that other great American pessimist, Mark Twain.『18words』

18、There are many demigod and demigod heroes in the war. Without combing their hair, they are all unkempt.『18words』

19、With an unkempt flame-red beard, dried blood caked beneath his fingernails and battle-weary blue eyes, James McAvoy makes for an imposing figure.『22words』

20、While Ross was striding over the damp, uncut grass in the direction of his car, dodging the pricking grasp of wild, unkempt japonicas.『23words』



21、A forthcoming series of the BBC television show" Little Britain" features an unkempt middle-aged balding Brit looking for love in a Thai brides brochure.『24words』

22、At that time, I was an introverted and melancholy girl. He was the most prominent one in the class. He was unkempt and somewhat domineering.『25words』

23、Half factory, half unkempt-looking greenhouse, the great glass structure that is Biosphere 2 is open to the public, to students and to scientists conducting climate change experiments.『27words』

24、James Traficant, a defiantly unkempt Congressman elected nine times by Ohio's 17th district, was expelled from the House in 2002 after being convicted of bribery, racketeering and tax evasion.『29words』

25、Separation is looking at the homeless person and focusing on how unkempt he looks, and criticizing why he has a 7-11 Slurpee cup if he is out of money.『29words』

26、Not long ago, the entire length of the High Line was an unkempt jumble of weeds and wildflowers. The third and last segment, to the north of 30th Street, still is.『31words』

27、However it seems men are far happier to relax their standards while more women told researchers from Remington that they never allow themselves to be seen looking hairy or too unkempt.『31words』

28、The reason you always seem to be copying from head to tail is that your code is unkempt and tries to do the same thing in more than one way at once.『32words』

29、Which moved the world in paradisal dance,世界舞蹈着,欢快地进入天堂,Are grains of dust, insensibilities.而今一切都冷却了,化为尘灰。And I live on, but in grief and self-contempt,我活着,自怨自艾,悲哀抑郁'Left here without the light I loved so much,曾经热爱的生活暗淡无光,In a great tempest and with shrouds unkempt像航船失控,经历着狂风暴雨。『34words』

