

1、His unease disarmed her.『4words』

2、The policeman disarmed the thief.『5words』

3、The police disarmed the remaining suspects.『6words』

4、The enemy was captured and disarmed.『6words』

5、It has neither disarmed nor disbanded.『6words』



6、Most of the rebels were captured and disarmed.『8words』

7、The frankness of his interest almost disarmed Soames.『8words』

8、The police disarmed the thief before he could hurt anyone.『10words』

9、Germany had been decisively beaten and disarmed; Russia was in chaos.『11words』

10、Reagan's sense of humor disarmed even people who disagreed with him.『11words』



11、A laughing woman is disarmed, you can do what you like.一个笑着的女人是没有防备的,你可以为所欲为。『11words』

12、The bystander who struck down and disarmed McKinley's assassin was also named John Parker.『14words』

13、Iraq must disarm itself unconditionally and immediately, or be disarmed, warned George W. Bush.『14words』

14、They disarmed isolated sentinels and National Guardsmen in the streets on their way to the Townhall.『16words』

15、Women are never disarmed by compliments. Men always are. That is the difference between the sexes.恭维话从来没有让女人缴械,但可以让男人缴械。这就是*别差异。『16words』

16、Later, people saw that many officers admitted defeat, disarmed and lined up their knives and became prisoners of war.『19words』

17、I became more and more vulnerable and present as I disarmed myself of my illusion of protection and separateness.『19words』

18、These questions should be popped out in casual conversation so that the contractor is relaxed and to some extent disarmed.『20words』

19、More than 100, 000 former combatants have been disarmed and myriad organisations run projects to reintegrate them into civilian life.『20words』

20、Another report suggests he grew agitated after watching the TV in the bus and seeing his brother being taken away and disarmed.『22words』



21、When once, however, he was thus disarmed, the cottager was afraid of him no longer, but drove him away with his club.『22words』

22、When Carlo had refused to fight back against him that day, it had kept Sonny from killing him: complete submission disarmed his violence.『23words』

23、The main points of the declaration were that Japanese militarism must be eliminated for good and all, and Japan's military forces must be completely disarmed『25words』

24、And in a blaze of publicity, the government gave an amnesty to a clutch of disarmed PKK fighters based in northern Iraq, allowing them to return home unmolested.『28words』

25、(2) All puppet troops should be immediately disarmed and disbanded, and in northern China, northern Kiangsu and northern Anhwei the Liberated Areas should take charge of such disarming and disbanding.『30words』

26、The violence started near the border town of Malakal on Thursday and spread to two other places after soldiers from the south refused to be disarmed and move to the north.『31words』

27、Whether or not he joins a ruling coalition (see article), his powerful and often thuggish militia must be disarmed and prevented from creating a state within a state, as Hizbullah has done in Lebanon.『34words』

28、Quite a number of venerable fathers of officers in the revolutionary army, old men who were opium-addicts and inseparable from their pipes, have been disarmed by the "emperors" (as the peasants are called derisively by the evil gentry).『38words』

29、An interrupt that accepts and holds the interruption signal.A disarmed interrupt ignores the signal. An armed interrupt may be enabled or disabled. An interrupt signal for an enabled condition causes certain hardware processing to occur. A disabled interrupt is held waiting for enablement.『43words』

