

1、Lest we falter 2.『4words』

2、Never falter in noble resolution.『5words』

3、My convictions will not falter『5words』

4、Our hopes will not falter in adversity.『7words』

5、They are not perfect, they falter sometimes.『7words』



6、Recovery may be here, but it could falter.『8words』

7、As other media falter, academic publishers have soared.『8words』

8、Planned privatisations will get greater scrutiny; some may falter.『9words』

9、There will be times when you falter, almost invariably.『9words』

10、Yet, this faith in the power of education has begun to falter.『12words』



11、Without a rise in domestic spending and progress in productivity, Germany’s success will falter.『14words』

12、Should you falter, be inspired by your own courage to get back up and continue.『15words』

13、Yet Greece’s public-finance problems were brewing long before the rich world’s banks started to falter.『15words』

14、It requires institutions that can demonstrate real results and can be held accountable when they falter.『16words』

15、If those negotiations do falter, Dubai World's fate will be governed by a brand new "reorganisation law".『17words』

16、When it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them.『18words』

17、There seems to be, almost inevitably, one of their candidates will falter in the closing days, "he said."『18words』

18、You'll encounter obstacles, and falter and fall. Just get up and keep going. You'll face temptations and give in.『19words』

19、When it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them. 面对梦想,你也许会摇摆不定,但如果放弃梦想,才是真正的失败。『19words』

20、These tax changes could be staged over several years to allow some relaxation of the fiscal squeeze, should the economy falter.『21words』



21、The construction of teachers team should be focused on falter of concept, reinforcement of life - long education and modern information capacity.『22words』

22、If you falter, you will worry about distance. If you lack sincerity in every drop of your life, you will lack contentment.『22words』

23、Until your people are really tested (see "what is hard is good"), you can never be sure who will step up and who will falter.『25words』

24、Should the economy falter in the second half of the year and upper-income consumers return to a savings mode, we could still see growth decelerate.『25words』

25、If there's one thing I've learned in all my years is that when it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them. 如果说我这些年学会了一件事,那就是在实现梦想的时候,一个人也许会步履蹒珊,但只有放弃梦想才算是一败涂地。『31words』

26、If there is one thing I've learned in all my years,in all my journeys,it is that when it comes to dreams,one may falter,but the only way to fail is to abandon them.『32words』

27、British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush's closest ally in the war on Iraq, is given prominence for waxing lyrical in appropriately Shakespearean tones in the lead-up to the conflict: "This is not the time to falter."『36words』

28、“Despite the uncertainties, economic and political, my confident central scenario is that China will continue to reform and become more open to the world, although the pace of reform may falter, whether for domestic or international reasons.『37words』

29、Just open your eyes,you got everything in the world睁开你的眼睛,你便拥有世上的一切Does it make you wonder? Is it karma or is it fate. Is it you, or is it me这使你觉得奇怪吗?这是因果报应还是命运。是你还是我。Oh does it really make you falter?它使你变得踌躇不前吗?Does it make you want to believe? It is true, you’re like nobody else它让你变得去相信吗?这是真的,你是独一无二的。『46words』

