


2、Upstairs, staff oversee a baby-crawling race.『6words』

3、The CSRC will oversee the pilot reforms.『7words』

4、Telework program managers may oversee other programs, too.『8words』

5、General Sachet is ordered to oversee such executions.『8words』



6、Congress established a loanguarantee board to oversee the operation.『9words』

7、The BCCI appointed a board member to oversee their collection.『10words』

8、Sandberg volunteered to oversee sales and operations for the project.『10words』

9、Village-level monitoring committees were formed to help oversee the relief effort.『11words』

10、I set up a separate department for George to oversee quality.『11words』



11、Third, it will strictly oversee the improvement in the banks' capital sufficiency rate.『13words』

12、The company said Chief Executive Officer Lee Yoon-woo would directly oversee the components division.『14words』

13、Assembly supervisors oversee workers who put together products by using power tools or other dangerous equipment.『16words』

14、The summit is sure to stir up a debate about the institutions that oversee the international economy.『17words』

15、Procuratorial organs shall oversee whether the activities in public security organs, courts, prisons and reform-through-labor institutions are legal.『18words』

16、I oversee, taste the recipes as each one is finished, make notes and deal with problems as they arise.『19words』

17、Typical office hierarchies don't apply: Managers like Farrar, who oversee teams of hundreds of artists on big films, are rootless.『20words』

18、Carpenter supervisors oversee carpentry work on a specified project to ensure that workers are on schedule and executing plans accordingly.『20words』

19、Ranchworkers oversee far-flung grazing from outposts called puestos, like the one above, where hours are long and comforts are few.『20words』

20、The best way to do this, says Hodges, is to create a project management office that will oversee all of the relationships.『22words』



21、Local residents are to be encouraged to oversee the implementation of the plan and report any development and construction activities that violate it.『23words』

22、As the global principal investigator, Dr. Lombardi's role is to oversee all clinical aspects of both trials and making any necessary adjustments as it moves forward.『26words』

23、A game where you have to catch plummeting factory employees, oversee underage miners and distribute smartphones outside a store with a white pear logo on the front?『27words』

24、A paper by the Brussels-based think-tank Bruegel adds the need for a euro-zone finance ministry, with power to raise its own taxes and to oversee the banking system.『28words』

25、The Pocono Record has renamed reporters "content managers", since they oversee all the coverage of their beat, in print and online, and get a bonus for higher web traffic.『29words』

26、Galluzzi said he was waiting for permission from the church to exhume the body and then would form a committee of historians, scientists and doctors to oversee the project.『29words』

27、Lutz will work closely with Ron Zarrella, head of GM North America in developing products for the North American market. Lutz also will oversee development of GM's global product portfolio.『30words』

28、We will oversee the strategic implementation of decisions with a finely developed set of metrics, says Jones in the patois peculiar to those who spend 40 years as a leatherneck .『31words』

29、The Council for Trade in Goods shall oversee the functioning of the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A. The Council for Trade in Services shall oversee the functioning of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (hereinafter referred to as "GATS").『41words』

