

1、The superior of a convent.『5words』

2、The whole convent thought him stupid.『6words』

3、the secluded life of a convent『6words』

4、Living in the convent narrowed her views.『7words』

5、She bunked from the convent last term.『7words』



6、And I went to a convent school as well.『9words』

7、“Cell:a narrow, confining room, as in a prison or convent."『10words』

8、Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way.『10words』

9、She serves as a lie teacher at the convent school .『11words』

10、The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.『11words』



11、The orphan had been reared in a convent by some good sisters.『12words』

12、A convent is a contradiction. Its object, salvation; its means thereto, sacrifice.『12words』

13、On the way to the station he stopped at Shemardino convent to see his sister.『15words』

14、“When I wished to retire into a convent, you remember how angry you were with me?"『16words』

15、By January 14th nine churches, a convent and a Sikh temple across the country had been hit.『17words』

16、We mention the fact for the sake of completing the physiognomy of the convent in the reader's mind.『18words』

17、She moved into the convent after his death, staying there for the last four years of her life。『18words』

18、She was shunned by her family, and the death of her fiance from tuberculosis propelled her back into the convent.『20words』

19、A convent in France, in the broad daylight of the nineteenth century, is a college of owls facing the light.『20words』

20、1968 - Miss Philippines, Cecilia Amabuyok, a novice from a convent: "Now everyone will know that nuns can be beautiful and nice, too."『23words』



21、Under the scientific design, the height of congealer is not more than 2 meter, it is convent to get in the room and elevator;『24words』

22、But the grave beneath St. Ursula convent, believed to be the final resting place of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo, has now yielded a female-sized skull.『25words』

23、All that had entered into his life for the last six months had led him back towards the Bishop's holy injunctions; Cosette through love, the convent through humility.『28words』

24、Suellen and Will married and Carreen went off to Charleston to the convent, Ashley, Melanie and Beau came to Atlanta , bringing Dilcey with them to cook and nurse.『29words』

25、I want to rent a room which near the school and has convent transport. The house must clean and has bed, desk, wardrobe in it and a good place for study.『31words』

26、There is an obvious objective: Gyangong Ani Gompa, a convent built into the hillside around 400 metres above the monastery, which I have previously caught only sodden glimpses of through the clouds.『32words』

27、The spirit of the convent, with which she had been permeated for the space of five years, was still in the process of slow evaporation from her person, and made everything tremble around her.『34words』

28、I had already discovered that a convent-school education was not at all adequate, and that it would take me at least three more years of hard study before being able to enter any college at all.『36words』

29、It is a chamber on the ground floor which has a grated window opening on the garden, which is closed on the outside by a shutter, and two doors; one leads into the convent, the other into the church.『39words』

