

1、nonsymmetrical aquifer『2words』

2、Characterization of aquifer heterogeneity by using hydraulic tomography『8words』

3、Predicting aquifer porosity of coal mine by impedance inversion『9words』

4、A confined aquifer is also known as a pressure aquifer.『10words』

5、The wine region’s first water came from an ancient aquifer.『10words』



6、Slug test is a new method to obtain aquifer parameters.『10words』

7、One of the two main types of aquifer is the unconfined aquifer.『12words』

8、Calculation of aquifer hydraulic conductivity using CFCs age-dating data in the Jingsheng Basin『13words』

9、A groundwater reservoir from which water can be extracted is called an aquifer.『13words』

10、Extraction of water depends on two properties of the aquifer: porosity and permeability.『13words』



11、A software of simulating water movement in confined aquifer was developed with finite different method.『15words』

12、The water level in a confined aquifer will fall as the confined aquifer is being exploited.『16words』

13、This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians, who once inhabited the region.『17words』

14、Discussion on effective utilization of artificial recharge to karst aquifer with urban rainwater runoff in Jinan City『17words』

15、The seepage of sanitary sewage and industrial wastewater into the aquifer causes serious groundwater pollution in Shiliquan.『17words』

16、Groundwater sapping is the geomorphic reworking of surface topography induced by water seeping out from an aquifer.『17words』

17、This paper discusses the experimental study and application of tbe isotope tracing method to that the multi-aquifer mixed well.『19words』

18、When confined aquifer under the bottom of the pit, the foundation excavation will reduce the thickness of overlying impermeable layer.『20words』

19、The specific feature of the 16th section line ore body of a deposit is deep water table and low confined aquifer.『21words』

20、The middle lower reach is also subdivided vertically into weak phreatic aquifer in the upper part and strang confined aquifer in the lower.『23words』



21、This well along with the ambient aquifer system means a sensitive volumetric strain-meter to the earthquakes, and to the crustal deformation as well.『23words』

22、The pressure in well bottom relation with grouting time, the viscosity of cement liquid and the permeability in the confined aquifer were analyzed.『23words』

23、The fourth confined aquifer is the main compressive layers in recent years in Shanghai. It is corresponding to the current mode of groundwater changes.『24words』

24、Storage low of water resources in aquifer of clench and sloping land for provide scientific basis of developing phreatic water resources in clench and sloping land.『26words』

25、“Mining above aquifer", as the main method to explore coal seams above confined aquifer, in which the determination of coal seam floor failure depth is the key factor and precondition.『30words』

26、Based on the theory of elasticity and permeability of the aquifer, the loading effect on confined aquifer and barometric effect on water level in Wells are particularly discussed in this paper.『31words』

27、But switch the source to a river or an aquifer, and the cost of a cubic meter of water can plummet to 10 to 20 cents, and farmers often pay far less.『32words』

28、But the rights to divert water-from a river or lake or underground aquifer-are indeed sellable commodities; so too are the plants and pipes that process that water and deliver it to our taps.『33words』

29、As well as the long-term effects on the aquifer, people worry about the traffic, which will get worse if the state superior court allows Poland Spring to build a bottling plant in Fryeburg.『33words』

