

1、The overcast sky is stifling.『5words』

2、The summer heat was stifling.『5words』

3、It's stifling! I can hardly breathe.『6words』

4、Heat is in stifling blanket layers.『6words』

5、Despair hangs heavy in the stifling air.『7words』



6、Into the stifling smoke plunged the desperate woman.『8words』

7、There was a stifling smell of hot oil everywhere.『9words』

8、We need to be using it, not stifling it.『9words』

9、I felt I was stifling in the airless room.『9words』

10、Hence the popular Conservative proposal to liberate state schools from "stifling state control."『13words』



11、There were brief pauses of stifling heat and humidity, quickly followed by more rain.『14words』

12、The first-class cabins are too expensive, second class is stifling and third is in steerage.『15words』

13、In recent years, however, the patent system has been stifling innovation rather than encouraging it.『15words』

14、The little rooms were hot and stifling, and with Tigress there he found them suffocating.『15words』

15、The room was full of stifling smoke, I could hear the child crying, but couldn't see anybody.『17words』

16、At noon it was still very hot, and the stifling heat turned the classroom into a microwave oven.『18words』

17、Is there a mountain of debt on top of you, stifling the lifestyle that you thought you would have?『19words』

18、It has been said of Beethoven that he toppled the rules and freed music from the stifling confines of convention.『20words』

19、Japan also offers a lesson to supervisors on the dangers of squeezing too hard and stifling innovation and appetite for risk.『21words』

20、She has also been accused of stifling the political process by arbitrary and authoritarian tendencies evident in her rule in the past two years.『24words』



21、 The water in the sink ticked and the voices of people rushed outside the toilet. The stifling atmosphere seemed to last for a century.『25words』

22、Prime minister Manmohan Singh - then the country's finance minister - lifted restrictions on foreign investors, relaxed stifling controls on domestic industry and slashed taxes.『25words』

23、Yet the overwhelming reason for China’s miracle is that the state released its stifling grip and opened the country to private enterprise and to the world.『26words』

24、Some suspect that, rather than sending gene-activating and gene-stifling proteins to particular gene targets, chromosomes adjust their shape in order to bring genes closer to the proteins.『27words』

25、He went to the window, threw it wide open as though he were stifling, and, erect before the darkness, he began to talk into the street, to the night.『29words』

26、The old serenity of nations of peasants certain of a mediocre but secure existence on the land, has been replaced in the children of the century with a stifling fear of the uprooted.『33words』

27、Harry Potter is an orphan who has been raised in a stifling suburban house. At the age of 11 he is surprised to get an invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.『34words』

28、As a result of sabotage by the Gang of Four, a number of problems in the style of study have arisen in recent years, such as the stifling of discussion, refusal to share information, etc.『35words』

29、I sat in time, looking at the death of the dust in a cold eye, and sometimes I would be held in, stifling and stifling, just climbing the shore, pant and a wave. However, when you set yourself up in Mount Lu, you sometimes forget your true colors.『48words』

