

1、The shares have halved in value.『6words』

2、James and I halved the apple.『6words』

3、A trouble shared is a trouble halved『7words』

4、He halved the pear between the two children.『8words』

5、The new method has halved the production cost.『8words』



6、1 pound fresh tart red cherries, halved and pitted.『9words』

7、The store halved its prices during the big sale.『9words』

8、The new assemply line has halved the production cost.『9words』

9、There's an old adage "a problem shared is a problem halved".『11words』

10、Decorate with banana slices and chocolate, sides with halved oreo biscuits.『11words』



11、If we halve the mass carried, sliding friction is also halved.『11words』

12、Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved.『13words』

13、If its distance from the eye is halved, its apparent size is doubled.『13words』

14、At the same time, sales of black glue records halved in 1992 to only 6.7 million copies.『17words』

15、In Britain, for example, the FTSE 100 index more than halved between December 1999 and March 2003.『17words』

16、The opposition claims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a week have nearly halved.『18words』

17、In Asia, the number of stunted children is estimated to have halved between 1990 (190 million) and 2010 (100 million).『20words』

18、Roughly chop half of the halved cherries and spread them on top of the batter, dividing them evenly between the eight ramekins.『22words』

19、In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved.『23words』

20、Although manufacturing, at around 12%, is still a slightly bigger part of the economy than finance, its proportion has halved since the early 1990s.『24words』



21、财富18:财富有辜,月有凌迟,年有腰斩,终有补*。Wealth has Koo, month cut in pieces, there were cut, eventually make up the knife./Wealth has koo, month, year, years has halved, invigorating the knife.『25words』

22、Intensive multifactorial intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes with microalbuminuria nearly halved the progression of proteinuria but did not alter the rate of GFR decline.『26words』

23、If you have problems balancing the weight of your foot to the pedal, it helps to keep a halved tennis ball right under the accelerator pedal lever.『27words』

24、Hunched over her new stove as she stirred a stew of potatoes and beans, Naomi Muriuki, 58, volunteered that the appliance had more than halved her use of firewood.『29words』

25、The number of students taking physics at A level, for example, has halved since 1988, according to the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham.『29words』

26、Except for spectacular disasters such as Zimbabwe, where the economy has nearly halved in size since1999 while inflation orbits at around4,500%, most African governments are trying to stabilise their notoriously precarious economies.『32words』

27、If you believe in the premise of love, not to face love is more wise, when your brain is anoxic, your IQ will be halved, you will be in love for love?『32words』

28、The gulf between prevalence and mortality rates in 2007 and the targets in these two regions make it unlikely that 1990 prevalence and death rates will be halved by 2015 for the world as a whole.『36words』

29、There is a season of blooming in the year, the heart can cause tears, long sky calculation, tenderness halved, inquisitive, difficult to describe people away, take the heart of the Qingfeng painting, wet and easy to provoke the Chinese New Year.『41words』

