

1、We shall retain our rights.『5words』

2、I will retain my right.『5words』

3、What items may a POW retain『6words』

4、receive into the mind and retain.『6words』

5、Derived UML models also retain glossary classifications.『7words』



6、China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans.『8words』

7、Employing those tactics most likely to retain these customers.『9words』

8、Online donors also tend to be tougher to retain.『9words』

9、She will retain her very significant shareholding in the company.『10words』

10、Yet our language can somehow retain its fidelity, "Professor Pagel said."『11words』



11、This soil retains water; I retain this drug for a long time.『12words』

12、The transliterate function is stateless and thus does not retain information from previous calls.『14words』

13、The increased price of medical services made it impractical for many lodges to retain the services of a doctor.『19words』

14、It will be hard to train so many new representatives and to retain them once the global economy rebounds.『19words』

15、Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.『19words』

16、Most of the time, holding in hand, careless; those who are difficult to retain, but always want to retain extra.『20words』

17、Notwithstanding the above, Buyer shall retain the right to avail itself of any remedy available at law or in equity.『20words』

18、But by removing the genetic material of males they consider socially inferior, the hens have managed to retain control of paternity.『21words』

19、Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence, while still permitting low-density urban living.『23words』

20、For scenery personnel, there is no need to be excessive persistence, no need to work hard to retain, no need to work hard to retain.『25words』



21、No matter how the years flow, I will retain a light miss of life, as I retain the fondness and nostalgia for the Cunninghamia River.『25words』

22、It is presumed, for instance, that IAG will not retain the low-cost bmibaby business, while the regional subsidiary is being offloaded to a group of investors.『26words』

23、This is the perspective of a "skeptical, later early adopter"; the sort of person who Microsoft needs to retain and should have been able to retain easily.『27words』

24、Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water.『28words』

25、The missed world, the missed heart, the attitude changed, the scenery dispersed, love is difficult to retain, but there is also a sad, happy tears can not retain yesterday.『29words』

26、Numerous studies have now found that when classroom material is made harder to absorb, pupils retain more of it over the long term, and understand it on a deeper level.『30words』

27、Forwarders may not even have a right of immediate possession against a carrier who is exercising a right to retain the goods until it receives additional amounts, such as container demurrage.『31words』

28、Terraces on slope land delete the conditions of causing soil and water loss.Ponds, cistens, water cellars enhance surface water use efficiency, warping dams can store flood,decrease flood peak, retain sediment,and conserve water.『32words』

29、A dream curtain rain, how many old city history, when the end, no need to retain, to retain only endless melancholy. When the margin is scattered, there is no need for sadness. Fate is a chance in life. Flowers bloom only when there are flowers.『45words』

