buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子(29句)

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子

1、The man was buried alive.『5words』

2、Or, worse, you're buried alive.『5words』

3、She thinks of being buried alive again.『7words』

4、You wouldn't like to be buried alive.『7words』

5、“How dare you say I'm buried alive!"『7words』

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子(29句)

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子

6、Laziness is equal to a man buried alive.『8words』

7、Many people are still buried alive after the earthquake.『9words』

8、She thinks of being buried alive again, of experiencing those 28 hours all over.『14words』

9、This dinosaur was probably buried alive in a landslide that caught it off guard.『14words』

10、but if some villagers caught him, at very least he would be buried alive『14words』

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子(29句)

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子

11、Hundreds of Confucian scholars would not comply with the edict, and were buried alive.『14words』

12、Very often they buried alive men who had engaged in the struggle for reduction of rents.『16words』

13、In wandering from village to village, I came across numerous people whose relatives had been buried alive.『17words』

14、Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.未被表达的情绪永远都不会消失。它们只是被活埋了,有朝一日会以更丑恶的方式爆发出来。『17words』

15、Some animals that represent mythical powers and military might surround him, and some are buried alive in cages.『18words』

16、In some rural areas girl babies have been reported to be killed immediately after birth- strangled, suffocated or buried alive.『20words』

17、A wounded foreigner, most likely a prisoner of war, was apparently buried alive with his hands tied behind him (opposite).『20words』

18、The earth is suffocating ...Swear to make them cut me open, so that I won't be buried alive.--Frederic Chopin, Polish composer『21words』

19、Dying of tuberculosis: The earth is suffocating.... Swear to make them cut me open, so that I won't be buried alive.『21words』

20、It is no longer buried alive or beheaded and then buried, but mostly hanged and then buried in the mausoleum or elsewhere.『22words』

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子(29句)

buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子

21、If being buried alive, overrun by rats, or encountering a sinister clown is your worst fear-- then welcome to your living nightmare.『22words』

22、Have you ever had a dream that you are locked in a room, trapped in a mine, or buried alive in a box?『23words』

23、At his age, burying alive with dead was prevalent, there were always several dozens even hundreds of people buried alive with a higher-status dead.『24words』

24、But there had been fears that 500 people had been buried alive in Hsiao Lin, a village in the wooded mountains of Taiwan's south, and even more in remote neighbouring villages.『31words』

25、There are many cases in history of people being buried alive because of lack of adequate medical techniques for finding out whether a person was actually dead or, say suffering from paralysis.『32words』

26、Her reason embody in her and the disease indomitable fight with escape from a dungeon, return to the world as well as struggling out the coffin corpse-inside coffin after being buried alive.『32words』

27、In one chu(1) of eighteen villages, local officials told me that forty-six militiamen and local cadres had been killed by the40 th Army, seven being shot, thirty-five buried alive and four forced to hang themselves.『35words』

28、When many Confucian scholars were arguing and expressing their opinions, Qin Shihuang took the opportunity to order the secret killing and landfill burial, and more than 700 Confucian scholars were buried alive in the valley.『35words』

29、In the Yin Ruins of Anyang, we can find everywhere the tragic scenes of human sacrifice in the mausoleum. Some are buried alive, some are killed and buried again. Generally, three or four hundred slaves are buried in a large tomb.『41words』

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