

1、He presided at the rally.『5words』

2、The Squire presided, dignified and tall.『6words』

3、The local officials presided over the festivity.『7words』

4、Comrade Yuan presided over all the workshops.『7words』

5、She presided at the piano throughout the concert.『8words』



6、The conference was presided over by the chairman.『8words』

7、He has presided over a seminar for social psychologists.『9words』

8、Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru presided over the opening ceremony.『10words』

9、Perkins presided over the red wine, rather than poured it.『10words』

10、Balloting shall be presided over by the servicemen committee or the election committee.『13words』



11、He presided over the FSA when the so-called "light touch" regulation was put in place.『15words』

12、National and international observers presided over ballot counts; the official results are due by October 26th.『16words』

13、Stan O’Neal, who presided over giant losses at Merrill Lynch, was more empire-builder than risk manager.『16words』

14、 Who presided over the funeral so soon after the talent had gone for a few days?『17words』

15、Yang from China Mobile presided over the meeting and other members from different teams and from the Operations.『18words』

16、Mr Hu has also presided over one of the most intensive indoctrination campaigns among party officials in recent years.『19words』

17、In that first Gold Buddha Way-place, Manjushri Bodhisattva presided over the lecture hall, where two lectures were given daily.『19words』

18、It's gone — we have now presided over the largest increase in the size of government since the Great Society.『20words』

19、She was appointed to the U.S. District Court, serving six years as a trial judge where she presided over hundreds of cases.『22words』

20、When Wang Anshi presided the state politics in North Song dynasty, he practiced new laws in politics and promoted new studies in classics.『23words』



21、He presided over the foundation of the structure of the modern party and, in 1834, launched the first national election manifesto in British history.『24words』

22、Water Pollution Prevention in Tai Lake Vice Premiere Wen Jiabao presided the third working meeting of the Leading Group of Water Pollution Prevention in Tai Lake.『26words』

23、During the reign of Qiandao in the Southern Song Dynasty, famous Neo-Confucianist Zhang Hui presided over Yuelu Academy. Zhu Xi was invited to give lectures twice.『26words』

24、The curtain, over which she had presided with such talent and such success, went off with her to her cottage, where she happened to be particularly in want of green baize.『31words』

25、The general meeting of Board of Directors shall be held at least once per year and shall be called for and presided over by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.『31words』

26、The conference also adopted another decision that the future Olympic Games should be presided over by the President of the International Olympic Committee, rather than by the politically charged head of state.『32words』

27、In the fifty-first year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Li Bing was appointed Taishou of Shu County. He benefited the people and eliminated floods. He presided over the construction of the famous Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project.『36words』

28、In the Southern Song Dynasty, the official printing industry in Hangzhou was presided over by the imperial court, and also hosted by the government of Ling'an. Besides printing books, it also printed banknotes - Jiao Zi.『36words』

29、A State Council working conference presided over by Premier Zhu Rongji on June 14 this year approved the report on the feasibility study of the project to conserve and renovate the three major cultural relics and consented to the launching of the project.『43words』


上一篇:buried alive造句,用buried alive怎么造句子(29句)