

1、The report is thoroughly sourced.『5words』

2、VGEs-Oriented Multi-sourced Heterogeneous Data Integration『5words』

3、Functions including sourced, SQL and external functions.『7words』

4、Regionally sourced materials were used for the project.『8words』

5、Where product inputs including commodity components are sourced『8words』



6、These are then sourced within.bashrc (see Listing 12).『8words』

7、However, water used in irrigation is often sourced unsustainably.『9words』

8、Some Thoughts on Tax Issues concerning Foreign-sourced Income of Resident Enterprises;『11words』

9、RJ Colt is sourced globally, offering exceptional value for fine materials and workmanship.『13words』

10、She sourced a glass and mirror-faced dressing table and unified it with a patterned chair.『15words』



11、The lithium-ion cells for the packs will initially be sourced from Korea through LG Chem.『15words』

12、And now that it's open sourced, you have the chance to try it out for yourself.『16words』

13、Indeed, its section on premature obituaries accepts it is incomplete and appeals for more, well-sourced, entries.『16words』

14、Customers are aggressively moving from single-sourced, tightly coupled, vertically-integrated middleware solutions to multi-sourced, loosely-coupled, horizontally-aware middleware solutions.『17words』

15、These days they all seem to be focusing on where your meat, fruit and vegetables are sourced from.『18words』

16、Depending upon the configuration of the job, the data is sourced from a number of different UNIX systems.『18words』

17、Still, the software was open-sourced in 1999 and continuesto exist, at least sort of, as FreeGEM and OpenGEM.『18words』

18、A number of third party ColdFusion tool vendors have also announced their support for the open sourced Railo product.『19words』

19、The Fontaine II loudspeaker is a two-way, three-driver design, and makes use of very high-quality drivers sourced from Morel and Dynaudio.『21words』

20、Walls, ceilings and flooring are sheathed in white oak. The FSC-certified lumber was sourced from a small, family-owned mill in Pennsylvania.『21words』



21、The entire crowd-sourced database is too big to store on an iPhone, so we download an appropriate subset (cache) onto each iPhone.『22words』

22、Local, organically grown foods and free-range, animal-sourced foods are a prevalent new trend, perhaps even the "hip" way to eat by younger generations.『23words』

23、Participate in Project teams for the introduction of new parts, modifications and line transfers ensuringall bought out components are sourced in line with set timing plan .『27words』

24、The Notice regulated that Where a QFII obtains such incomes as dividends, bonuses and interests sourced from China; it shall pay the enterprise income tax at the rate of 10%.『30words』

25、Infiniti Retail, a Tata group company, last month began opening "Croma" stores that sell electronics and household electrical goods sourced from a wholesale company in India fully owned by Woolworths.『30words』

26、Some critics, calculating emissions from extraction through to refining (" well to tank "), say fuel sourced from the sands is up to three times more carbon-intensive than others consumed in America.『32words』

27、DHI has no ownership rights to the indexed content sourced from third party sites and cannot guarantee that we will not collect information from a publicly available source at a later point in time.『34words』

28、While endeavoring to make a success in the protection of marine biological resources and the prevention and control of marine pollution, China makes the prevention and control of land-sourced pollution the focal point of its marine environmental protection work.『39words』

29、Tax official:if you have resided in china for another full year after residing in china for5years successively, your income sourced from both Japan and china will be subject to the tax.otherwise the income sourced from JAPAN is exempt.If less than90days, the period of five year will be recounted.『48words』

