

1、A wad of letters arrived today.『6words』

2、To insert a wad into(a firearm).『6words』

3、She balled the letter into a wad.『7words』

4、a wad of something chewable as tobacco.『7words』

5、The new code wad designed for internationally active Banks.『9words』



6、There are a wad of bank notes in the bag.『10words』

7、It's dangerous to carry a big wad in your pocket.『10words』

8、A woman's body wad found to have been bathed in blood.『11words』

9、Of course, it wasn't; it was a huge wad of stuff.『11words』

10、But no, out came an ominously large wad of paper and two pens.『13words』



11、If you do manage to gulp down a big wad of gum, don't panic.『14words』

12、Did you stay because you didn't want anybody to think you were a cheap tight-wad『15words』

13、Handling ga wad of cash may be as good at killing pain than aspirin, a new study suggests.『18words』

14、An object, such as a cork or a wad of cloth, used to fill a hole tightly; a stopper.『19words』

15、But can a little praise really trump a slice of pizza, a great party or a wad of cash?『19words』

16、But after I got up in the morning, I thought since today wad Labor day, I should do some cleaning.『20words』

17、Van Norden has put away his pipe and packed a wad of snuff on the underside of his lower lip.『20words』

18、On the starting grid he paced to and fro, endlessly polishing his goggles, chain-smoking cigarettes or feverishly chewing a wad of gum.『22words』

19、He took out a pack of Red Man chewing tobacco, put a wad in his mouth, then handed it to Kearney, who followed suit.『24words』

20、Results the symptoms were much slighter and the healing course was easier in the splint fix group than those in the routine vaseline wad group.『25words』



21、We all like feeling good about ourselves. But can a little praise really trump a slice of pizza, a great party or a wad of cash?『26words』

22、He nodded to himself, paused, and drew his hand out with a wad of notes in it. He counted them and then carefully hid them away again.『27words』

23、I took out a tight wad of dividend warrants ringed with a rubber band, and the records in the wad would have gladdened the heart of a broker.『28words』

24、It was while eating my second duck tongue that the man at the next table hacked up a loud wad of phlegm and spat it on to the floor.『29words』

25、As he left the house, grumbling and sulking, he folded the money into a wad, then tied it into a knot on his sarong. He threw the saw into the cart.『31words』

26、The results show that there are some defects of flow lines at the root of wad, and the thinner the wad, the more serious the defects, even the flow-through and cavity exists.『32words』

27、Some smokers chew nicotine gum in an effort to quit, but instead of parking a slightly masticated piece between cheek and gum, they chomp the little squares like a wad of Bazooka.『32words』

28、Mr.Zachmann argues that I.B.M.'s strategy has been to let Microsoft "Shoot its wad" and then take advantage of reports that even after a year-and-a-half of bug fixing, the new Windows 3.1 is still not error free.『36words』

29、The little boy walked dejectedly down the cracked sidewalk. His backpack was heavy and his feet were slow.He stayed to his path, pausing every now and then only to pick out an empty can or wad of paper to kick as he went along his way.『46words』

