

1、female salmon that has recently spawned.『6words』

2、a family that had spawned a monster.『7words』

3、Cenarius: Demon-spawned wretches! You will all die!『7words』

4、Spawn allows a shell command to be spawned.『8words』

5、These initial successes spawned much interest in fluidization.『8words』



6、The increase in the GNP spawned a new social class.『10words』

7、 The computer industry has spawned a lot of new companies.『11words』

8、One HTTPD process gets spawned to service requests from each client.『11words』

9、XML has spawned a set of related standards for querying and transforming data.『13words』

10、It spawned technological advances, but led to cars that were often costlier to produce.『14words』



11、It has already spawned at least one spoof " let's be completely honest, "it opens.『15words』

12、Genuine land reform would have addressed the age-old inequalities spawned by the semi-feudal set up.『15words』

13、Petermann Glacier spawned smaller ice islands in 2001 (34 square miles) and 2008 (10 square miles).『16words』

14、Jewess speculated that Conan Doyle himself probably wouldn't have approved of the industry his creation has spawned.『17words』

15、How can we make sure no more evil will be spawned after eradicating the one at hand?『17words』

16、He may have also had a hand in the dark arts that spawned a reborn Darth Maul.『17words』

17、The trend toward a new, less hirsute society has not only spawned magazine articles but even books and academic study.『20words』

18、Allow users to turn off spawned windows. Do not cause pop-ups. Do not change the current window without informing users.『20words』

19、Was it possible that eels living in the creeks of Denmark spawned way out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?『21words』

20、Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form, and the novel has spawned numerous theatrical, film and television interpretations.『23words』



21、Religions spawned pilgrims or settlers; wars drove refugees before them and made new land available for the conquerors; political upheavals displaced thousands or millions.『24words』

22、Also, this system is sometimes too rigid for the good of creativity, which is one of the reasons subscription channels like HBO and Showtime are spawned.『26words』

23、In consumer markets, recycling has already spawned an array of alchemists. Jackets are, being made from discarded plastic bottles, briefcases from worn-out tires and belts from beer-bottle caps.『28words』

24、The rocks are astronomical orphans: Scientists can’t connect meteorites in the lab to the asteroid in space that spawned it, a knowledge gap known as the asteroid-meteorite connection problem.『29words』

25、Britain, where the biotech boom has spawned hundreds of new firms in recent years, has approved its first three biotech products this year, a new anesthetic and treatments for migraine and Alzheimer's disease.『33words』

26、The tornado was one of many spawned by a vast, violent storm system that has so far killed as many as 231 people in six U.S. states as of Thursday, according to CNN.『33words』

27、The cultural industry is a key rising industry that should obviously become stronger and more competitive by taking advantage of the business opportunities spawned by the Olympics. It should become a force to be reckoned with on the international market.『40words』

28、This era of knights and fine ladies spawned romantic love, but 300 years later Victorian women were so programmed to believe themsel ves inferior to men that in their diaries they often wrote of their 'vacant bra in' and 'poor judgment'.『41words』

29、Just as the discovery of the electron in 1897 was seminal event for the 20th century, the seeds for the 21st century were spawned in 1953,when James blurted out to Francis how four nuclei acids could pair to form the self-copying code of a DNA molecule.『46words』

