

1、Floundering towards the primeval ooze.『5words』

2、A primeval forest! I like it.『6words』

3、Having a baby is a primeval act.『7words』

4、The railway cuts through a primeval forest.『7words』

5、She is the primeval internal potency of the Lord.『9words』



6、“The primeval fire of earth at their hearts," murmured Anne.『10words』

7、She smiled. - 'This is the forest primeval,' he said.『10words』

8、The primeval forest is the unspoild splendor of the place.『10words』

9、He was more connected perhaps to the primeval concepts and Earth powers.『12words』

10、It is a variety of wild animals of the primeval forest survival.『12words』



11、I have used my primeval power, but this mountain is just too steep.『13words』

12、The dense peaks erect up high, decorated with primeval forests and embraced by clouds and fog.『16words』

13、The closer one approaches to the forest floor, the more dangerous and primeval the environment becomes.『16words』

14、We went forward in the rain with our umbrellas, breathing the fragrant air from the primeval forest heartily.『18words』

15、That intrigued me - primeval landscape, as-yet undeveloped and not a word of it in the "Lonely Planet Guide."『19words』

16、aboriginal forests; primal eras before the appearance of life on earth; the forest primeval; primordial matter; primordial forms of life.『20words』

17、Huge and mighty Warcraft leap out of the primeval forest with unparalleled majesty as they climb mountains and break rocks.『20words』

18、The Bogda mountain is famous for its thousands of peaks and beautiful scenery. There are primeval forests and picturesque mountain steppes.『21words』

19、Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.『24words』

20、One evening a herd of bulls gathered across the water from me, rising above their reflections under an October moon, in a primeval scene of ancient Africa...『27words』



21、I know that it would be fainter still, but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the world's primeval glory.『27words』

22、“My lecture notes on physical geography and my texts on historical geography both said that the low hills of the Huangshui watershed were once covered with primeval forests."『28words』

23、This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent's largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere.『31words』

24、The primeval forest is the core of the terrestrial ecosystem, which can regulate climate, water conservation, soil and water conservation, air purification, soil fertility enhancement, disaster mitigation, species conservation and timber supply.『32words』

25、Getting out of the car, the Alishan small railway station came into view, which is the starting point for entering the primeval forest of Alishan. This is where the walking Range Rover begins.『33words』

26、To the Wuxuhai spot must go through a primeval forest, both road sides have many ancient pines and cypresses, with a felling of very long time, seemed to be in those ancient centuries.『33words』

27、The Jiuzhaigou Reserve belongs to the upstream drainage basin of a branch of Yangtze River, which is a typical upstream region of Yangtze River with landscape attractions (especially water scene) and primeval ecological tourism attractions.『35words』

28、So just as in Genesis 1, the universe is created when the wind of God parts the primeval waters, so in Exodus 14 and 15, a new nation is created when the wind of God parts the waters of the Reed Sea.『42words』

29、The Star worship is the ancient worship idea of Shamanism,the sacrificial ceremony off'ered to stars has lasted from the primeval ancient times to the present times in some northern ethnic group. It reflects and records the cognition of the northern ancient people about stars and cosmos.『46words』


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