

1、The ensuing procedures weren't any cheaper.『6words』

2、Without ensuing events, it’s just another speech.『7words』

3、I had even memorized the ensuing monologue.『7words』

4、The first way is from the ensuing wizard page.『9words』

5、He strictly kept the fact in the ensuing November election.『10words』



6、The ensuing urgent messenger made the general's official residence panic.『10words』

7、The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.『10words』

8、He had become separated from his parents in the ensuing panic.『11words』

9、The ensuing destruction of the banking sector exacts a heavy toll.『11words』

10、The ensuing collapse in the Greek banking system would send shockwaves throughout Europe.『13words』



11、The ensuing fiscal costs of cleaning up the banking system could be really high.『14words』

12、But the ensuing wide participation in voluntary services is based on the incentive of money.『15words』

13、The ensuing rapid expansion of irrigation agriculture, especially from the 1950s onward, transformed the economy of the region.『18words』

14、When they scrutinised the test results, the doctors found subtle clues that, in retrospect, hinted at ensuing impairment.『18words』

15、The ensuing publicity caused the entertainer to regret having sued the newspaper for libeling his character.See also Synonyms atsinister『19words』

16、The intention was to get close, fire a projectile into the surface and grab some of the ensuing dust.『19words』

17、But it posed a big challenge to researchers in biology, who had to deal with the ensuing deluge of data.『20words』

18、During the ensuing discussion, many valuable suggestions were made on improving the training level of the Red Army, including 28 generals.『21words』

19、A: on October 25, a major earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing heavy casualties and property loss.『23words』

20、More importantly, we shall achieve a new starting point. Within the ensuing 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of developed countries.『24words』



21、The ensuing speculative boom inevitable leads to a break, th e economist said, in which panic psychology can take over and monetary policy ha s limited impact.『27words』

22、In the first case, the phone was placed on the car's trunk lid during fueling; it rang and the ensuing fire destroyed the car and the gasoline pump.『28words』

23、Developmental differences are more the result of a maturing product class, and how the ensuing improvements are promoted, than of any true difference in warehouse and data mart feature sets.『30words』

24、In striking the deal, Sony is betting that the appetite for Mr. Jackson's music will prove more than just a spike generated by his unexpected death and the ensuing round-the-clock coverage.『31words』

25、For a long time biologists believed that male deer used buck rubs not only to clean and polish antlers but also to provide practice for the ensuing male-to-male combat during the rut.『32words』

26、Moreover, in the history of this dynasty, there are many examples of collective writing. At first, the lower-ranking people usually play in euphemistic words. Later, the ensuing rhetoric will become more and more intense.『34words』

27、yet to say truth, she is never along, for she is still accompanied with old songs, honest thoughts, and prayers, but short ones; yet they have their efficacy, in that they are not palled with ensuing idle cogitations.『38words』

28、Not to disturb the simple happiness of others, like the ensuing waves, which is the beauty of the shore, why care you belong to the sea, no matter the passage of time, unparalleled you, in the deepest heart of the sea I have come!『44words』

29、This article studies the intraday price activity of the Chinese stock market index at the time when the open quotation changes greatly. We find that there is not any evident adverse price revision in the ensuing intraday price. It shows that there is not short excessive reaction.『47words』


上一篇:trade fair造句,用trade fair怎么造句子(29句)