

1、Don't waste any time figuring it out.『7words』

2、The story is figuring out the motivation behind it?『9words』

3、The key will be figuring out how to compete effectively.『10words』

4、Don't ever assume that the grownups are figuring everything out.『10words』

5、But the problem is figuring out how to scale up.『10words』



6、That's a good exercise in figuring out your own problems.『10words』

7、Many people have trouble figuring this part out on their own.『11words』

8、Most people begin figuring out how to do this in their teens.『12words』

9、What's challenging is figuring out how to bring a software product to fruition.『13words』

10、The biggest problem is figuring out exactly what should be legal in the string.『14words』



11、Well, we do that by figuring out how b depends on theta when a is fixed.『16words』

12、THE LATEST battle in the global sneaker wars is figuring out what a 'Chinese' style looks like.『17words』

13、The less you grapple with figuring out the answers, the more energy you'll have to use them.『17words』

14、If you want Jesus to come back sooner, focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy.『17words』

15、We hope the relationship between speaking and figuring, imagination and language can be a relationship between understandable and touchable.『19words』

16、Profilers have their own overhead, so it's a good idea to spend a few minutes figuring out what that is.『20words』

17、And the intellectual work of archaeology, figuring out the past from clues left behind, was a great deal like detective work.『21words』

18、 The Oracle is good at figuring out the meaning of the Lord, but the faithful only criticize the fault of the Lord.『23words』

19、When you've got the likes of Google building allotments for employees it's no major surprise… But figuring the culture out during the interview stages is tricky.『26words』

20、Biotechnology companies spend years figuring out the right combination of mutant host organism and reactor conditions to fashion a protein therapy that is safe and effective.『26words』



21、The secret isn't so much figuring out how to cope with a kid at college as it is figuring out how to take advantage of the situation.『27words』

22、In his spare time, Sam Walton would enjoy the mental exercise of figuring out how to improve WalMart's distribution network, reduce costs, improve associate relations or lower prices.『28words』

23、Experts are also figuring out how to breed crops with higher nutrient levels and how to get key nutrients in the food supply, in either salt or cooking oil.『29words』

24、Games of mental activity are characterized by guessing, figuring, choosing, and the like, although, of course, they usually also involve some physical action as well, and often manipulation of objects.『30words』

25、Now let's analyze by picking apart a JCC trace to see how to get to the bottom of a problem by analyzing the trace and figuring out where the error is coming from.『33words』

26、The creative anachronisms are part of China's effort to develop a popular audience for opera, figuring that if the country is going to import Western culture, it might as well be high culture.『33words』

27、Levis Strauss was immigrant from Germany. In 1850 he found himself in San Francisco selling supplies to gold miners. There was a need for durable pants so Strauss got to figuring out a solution.『34words』

28、Visual excise is the work that a user has to do to decode visual information, such as finding a single item in a list, figuring out where to begin reading on a screen, or determining which elements on it are clickable and which are merely decoration.『46words』

29、This kind of thinking is useful to help designers look outside the box. Magical solutions obviously won’t suffice, but figuring out creative ways to technically accomplish interactions that are as close to magical solutions as possible (from the personas’ perspective) is the essence of great interaction design.『47words』

