

1、Overdelicate or fastidious;fussy.『3words』

2、An old-fashioned, fussy person.『4words』

3、Steven:Very busy and fussy. You?『5words』

4、She's such a fussy eater.『5words』

5、He is a fussy eater.『5words』



6、Controllers sans that fussy boilerplate code.『6words』

7、The costume designs are too fussy.『6words』

8、It's sort of like those fussy critics.『7words』

9、You will appear as a fussy person.『7words』

10、Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.『7words』



11、He is as fussy as an old woman.『8words』

12、We can't be all that fussy out here.『8words』

13、We'd better not be fussy about such trifles.『8words』

14、The old lady thought he was a fussy creature.『9words』

15、Even a baby gets fussy when his mother is upset.『10words』

16、Performance evaluation of the knowledge-based human resource based on fussy comprehensive evaluation;『12words』

17、Concerned with health and cleanliness, they can be very fussy about their food.『13words』

18、Teenagers and children can be quite fussy when it comes to eating food.『13words』

19、Virgo to eat, the absolute fussy, very kinky a constellation, very entanglements of I.『14words』

20、Life should not be too fussy, unrealistic things are often like a wisp of clouds and smoke.『17words』



21、Person who performs or tries to perform good deeds, esp in an unrealistic, interfering or fussy way『17words』

22、those fussy fellows at the State Department tut - tutting about lack of reform in the political system(John Hughes)『19words』

23、Don't be too fussy. Love. The ability to love also has the expiration date. It is necessary to love everything.『20words』

24、I found it's much better to praise him when he obeys and not to be so fussy when he makes mistakes.『21words』

25、But Alibaba says its other operations will be unaffected because they fall under a less fussy regulator, the Ministry of Information.『21words』

26、While consumers are spending less on toilet paper, they remain fussy in theory at least when it comes to paper quality.『21words』

27、In some details of life do not have to be fussy, can be confused, so that you can avoid their troubles.『21words』

28、GOLDILOCKS, the fussy, blonde, larcenous heroine of an English children's story, liked her porridge neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right.『23words』

