

1、How about some bacon『4words』

2、Big fan of bacon『4words』

3、BLT (bacon,lettuce and tomato)『4words』

4、bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwich『5words』

5、bacon frying in the pan『5words』



6、tainted bacon; `corrupt' is archaic.『5words』

7、a bacon and tomato roll『5words』

8、The bacon cheeseburger sounds mouth-watering.『5words』

9、He could smell the bacon grease.『6words』

10、The dogs come and devour the bacon.『7words』



11、I have to bring home the bacon.『7words』

12、He wrapped up the bread and bacon.『7words』

13、“Seven and a half pounds of bacon at 20 cents."『10words』

14、You won't see bacon, eggs, and toast or cold cereal.『10words』

15、You seldom see bacon, eggs, and toast or cold cereal.『10words』

16、You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven! 『10words』

17、Pork pate with pistachio and bacon, gherkins, silver onion, mesclun salad.『11words』

18、Yeah, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp.『13words』

19、There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon.『14words』

20、The kid filled his mouth with bacon, bread and gray, and began to talk.『14words』



21、For continental breakfast, you can give bacon and egg, buttered toast, and a large Coke .『16words』

22、Cube one large potato and sauté in the bacon fat or just oil if not using bacon.『17words』

23、But black-eyed peas are no good without bacon. There's no strength to them. Why isn't there any bacon?"『18words』

24、It indicated that adding ascorbic into bacon is in favor of reduced the content of nitrite in bacon.『18words』

25、An incredibly tasty powder is made from rendered bacon fat and maltodextrin - it melts in your mouth while filling it with an intense bacon flavor.『26words』

26、“BLT (Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato): cook the bacon well and cut into small pieces. Add lettuce and tomato and place between two slices of bread. "『26words』

27、Bacon will have a long time to put a spicy flavor, cook the bacon with a white radish, and then cook, the spicy flavor can be removed.『27words』

28、A pile of firewood was burning in the fire pond at any time, and smoked bacon hung above it. The smell of dusk bacon soaked in the room.『28words』

