

1、Nadal raises an eyebrow.『4words』

2、Harry raised an eyebrow.『4words』

3、He raised a questioning eyebrow.『5words』

4、He'll serve you an eyebrow flash.『6words』

5、He raised an eyebrow at Jack.『6words』



6、Her eyebrow is long and slim.『6words』

7、He cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at her.『7words』

8、Mouth is closed, one eyebrow slightly raised.『7words』

9、He showed his disapproval by raising an eyebrow.『8words』

10、Cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question.『9words』



11、She did not so much as raise an eyebrow.『9words』

12、He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow.『9words』

13、The White-eyebrow of Proletariat Novelist"──Mu Shiying s former writing;『9words』

14、Many people, a low eyebrow, a glance back, realized Zen.『10words』

15、Removing temporal wrinkles as well as lifting eyebrow(eyebrow-ectomy)after eyebrow tattoo failure『11words』

16、Changed: Thickened female eyebrow texture to compensate for cutout shader change.『11words』

17、Published on the Pentagon's website it would hardly have raised an eyebrow.『12words』

18、The smoke outside the lake water and mountain liusi, eyebrow on yellow eyebrow.『13words』

19、Includes: cleansing, peeling, steaming, eyebrow shaping, pore cleansing, neck and facial massage, mask.『13words』

20、The first time I did eyebrow waxing at home, I made them too thin.『14words』



21、Generally, there are two types of abnormal eyebrow, a category eyebrow malformation; Another defect is eyebrow.『16words』

22、Conclusion The eyebrow incision operation can retain the nature eyebrow while the face aged become young.『16words』

23、The patterns of the eyebrow paintings mainly included long eyebrow,wide eyebrow,splay eyebrow,jingcui eyebrow,melancholy eyebrow,yuanshan eyebrow and so on.『18words』

24、Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach『18words』

25、Then draw downward from eyebrow top to ti of eyebrow following growth of eyebrow to form a downward arc.『19words』

26、Eyebrow smile, cold my life ink pen, you are the cold eyebrow of the world, I am a section of peach blossom hall.『23words』

27、The brow fat pad lies directly posterior to the eyebrow skin and orbicularis oculus muscle and aids in smooth gliding of the eyebrow with animation.『25words』

28、With natural and long term color eyebrow pencil, it can help you paint a perfect eyebrow style. The side of brush can make eyebrow style more natural.『27words』

