

1、Flower Color: whites.『3words』

2、integrate blacks with whites『4words』

3、almond paste and egg whites.『5words』

4、Beat the egg whites well.『5words』

5、They were in proper tennis whites.『6words』



6、Now, their inside right forward's dribbling.『6words』

7、Beat the egg whites until they peak.『7words』

8、Egg whites are healthier than whole eggs.『7words』

9、That restaurant used to serve whites only.『7words』

10、Use the whites of two eggs/two egg whites.『8words』



11、Indian children incarceration rate 40% higher than whites.『8words』

12、Where the attenuated darkness effervesced like boiling egg whites.『9words』

13、Instead of only using egg whites, she used whole eggs.『10words』

14、Blacks, Asians, whites — we all live in the same community.『11words』

15、Throughout the interiors, whites, off whites, and sand colors have been used.『12words』

16、“You'll have to learn to clean your own house!" he joked (to whites).『13words』

17、But it is lower than that among whites and lower still among working-class whites.『14words』

18、The technology can also be used to remove Bacillus anthracis spores from egg whites.『14words』

19、A three-bin sorter helps family members separate their clothes by colors, whites, and delicates.『14words』

20、The ubiquitous camels and beiges of fall are morphing into brighter-hued whites and off-whites for spring.『16words』



21、The American Dietetic Association suggests substituting two egg whites for one whole egg in many recipes.『16words』

22、They are generally more popular than whites, and can usually be paired with food more easily.『16words』

23、The war in Rhodesia was no simple conflict between whites and blacks. Many blacks fought with the whites.『18words』

24、Still, the total number of marriages between blacks and whites remains smaller than those between whites and other racial and ethnic groups.『22words』

25、The British and the natives were convinced that whites had their advantages and that yellow Japanese could not challenge and succeed whites.『22words』

26、You can also ask, for example, whether it would ever have been appropriate for whites to drink from a "whites only" water fountain.『23words』

27、When people are brought up to believe that whites are whites, blacks are blacks, and naturally, Chinese are Chinese, you have a sort of "hereditary" discrimination.『26words』

28、And the deafing silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites.『29words』

