

1、have a siege of flu『5words』

2、an exhaustive siege of illness『5words』

3、The siege has ended peacefully.『5words』

4、They rose from a siege.『5words』

5、armed capture of a place under siege『7words』



6、The press laid siege to her flat.『7words』

7、They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.『7words』

8、The castle is provisioned for a siege.『7words』

9、The town capitulated after a three-week siege.『7words』

10、Foreign aid-workers in Kabul feel under siege.『7words』



11、 lay siege to; to beleaguer 2.a siege『8words』

12、Next morning, reporters laid siege to my apartment.『8words』

13、The planet is experiencing a siege of abnormally high temperatures.『10words』

14、Attackers will get more siege vehicles depending on their progression throughout the siege.『13words』

15、In an 18-month siege, much of Mostar is destroyed-including its cherished 16th-century bridge.『13words』

16、In more siege battles, most of the damage was attacked by the attacking side.『14words』

17、I've offered Qual-Kehk my ideas on how to break the siege, but he dismisses them.『15words』

18、Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it.『15words』

19、ROCK concerts, iPods, jet engines, motorcycles, snowmobiles, infections and trauma - our ears are under siege.『16words』

20、Pain signals originate at the site of injury but soon lay siege to the entire nervous system.『17words』



21、The second miracle praised by colleagues is that Minsheng Company smashed the siege of foreign shipping companies.『17words』

22、Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path.『18words』

23、The siege of Orenburg was finally lifted, and the army began its task of tracking down rebel units.『18words』

24、With a loud roar, the sky crashed and all the siege vehicles fell forward like horses losing their feet.『19words』

25、The Trojans, seeing the encampment broken up and the fleet gone, concluded the enemy to have abandoned the siege.『19words』

26、Draw thee water for the siege, build up thy bulwarks: go into the clay, and tread, work it and make brick.『21words』

27、Australia's National Archive is trying to establish how a letter flown out of Paris by balloon during the Prussian siege ended up in its collection.『25words』

28、Shelling by forces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi during the siege that lasted from March to May demolished much of the town. Real repairs have yet to begin.『27words』

