

1、soak-brush-rinse bottle washer『3words』

2、soak in marinade; of foods.『5words』

3、fill, soak, or imbue totally.『5words』

4、The lesson didn't soak in.『5words』

5、She put her rings in soak.『6words』



6、You soak your dentures in coffee overnight.『7words』

7、Open squares and soak in tepid water.『7words』

8、She loves to soak in the Bathtub.『7words』

9、soak their damn contact lenses in it.『7words』

10、To soak(meat, for example) in a marinade.『7words』



11、Give the clothes a long soak before washing.『8words』

12、I was having a long soak in the bath.『9words』

13、That sounds good. Let's soak up a little vitamin D.『10words』

14、It 's great soak in a hot spring after skiing .『11words』

15、Then I'd wet a towel and try and soak it up.『11words』

16、Pre-soak in lukewarm water to40℃ maximum, using a recommended mild wool detergent.『12words』

17、Keaton comes here once or twice a year to soak up the atmosphere.『13words』

18、Species and genesis of soak-induced color in antique jade and soak-induced color imitation mathod;『14words』

19、If you soak the tablecloth before you wash it, the stains should come out.『14words』

20、When it comes to matters of personal cleanliness, will we soak in a bath?『14words』



21、Without a tree to soak up moisture from the ground, the soil remains wetter than in the surrounding forest.『19words』

22、For one, sprinkle a fresh stain with salt and then soak the entire garment in milk; afterward, launder as usual.『20words』

23、To obtain one ounce of Tyrian purple dye, she had her servants soak 20, 000 Purpura snails for 10 days.『20words』

24、It appears that the shell has to crack open or break down somewhat to allow the seed to soak up water.『21words』

25、The resin produced by the flame-retardant products with high strength and mechanical properties, thermal deformation temperature, curing speed, and good soak.『21words』

26、Put on that wetsuit and dive down into the coral reef to soak up the beautiful visions that nature has provided us.『22words』

27、Soak medicinal millet grass or mother chrysanthemum in water, then soak the towel, apply it to the eye for 10 to 15 minutes, can effectively relieve eye fatigue.『28words』

28、Take the Inspiration Bean and soak in warm tap water for 2 to 4 hours. Watch the Inspiration Bean soak up water and miraculously expand almost 2x it's size! Wow, your wish is already expanding!『35words』

