

1、Having prestige;esteemed.『2words』

2、Intellectuals should be esteemed.『4words』

3、He was much esteemed.『4words』

4、She esteemed honour above life『5words』

5、your esteemed favor; your kindness『5words』



6、He esteemed us better than Himself.『6words』

7、He was esteemed by his neighbours.『6words』

8、What costs little is little esteemed.『6words』

9、He is highly esteemed in business circles.『7words』

10、For two days he was languorous and esteemed.『8words』



11、The old professor was greatly loved and esteemed.『8words』

12、Does our English service satisfy your esteemed guests?『8words』

13、inhabits streams from S Carolina to Florida; esteemed panfish.『9words』

14、They esteemed each other and made allowances for each other.『10words』

15、She's extremely well-read and graduated from esteemed Princeton University and Harvard Law School.『13words』

16、It has been esteemed a must-read news and management magazine for successful people.『13words』

17、China is a society that has long esteemed personal financial prudence for centuries.『13words』

18、Even now, silk processed in the province of Como in northern Italy enjoys an esteemed reputation.『16words』

19、While chocolate was highly esteemed in Mesoamerica, where it originated, its adoption in Europe was initially slow.『17words』

20、Great warriors would often war over the most esteemed human tribes, leading them on journeys far from their rivals.『19words』



21、He notes that some are members of their communities in good standing, esteemed for having helped friends and neighbours.『19words』

22、I venture to try to open business connection with your esteemed firm, by send you some pattern of manufactured article.『20words』

23、The esteemed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking has assured us that even the biggest and baddest black holes will just evaporate away.『20words』

24、For my part, I'm going to work on being proud of my accomplishments and feeling that I deserve to be in esteemed company.『23words』

25、It would be esteemed an act of rudeness to address an Indian by his personal name, or to inquire his name directly from himself.『24words』

26、Our main clients in Hong Kong are divided into 2 categories: the Coffee Roasting and Wholesale Companies, and reputed end-users as well as esteemed Recreational Clubs.『26words』

27、Of the other two choices, "generally rejected by" would provide no contrast, while "antagonistic toward" suggests a relationship that would not explain why music was so widely esteemed.『28words』

28、“In consequence of the decease of Mr. Wada, my esteemed partner, the firm of Yamoto Shokai has undergone some necessary changes, and I have the pleasure to inform you that I have entered into partnership with Mr. Uchida. "『39words』


上一篇:get over造句,用get over怎么造句子(28句)