

1、Thanks for bringing me here.『5words』

2、I'm not bringing them over!『5words』

3、She is bringing them presents.『5words』

4、The act of bringing to ruin.『6words』

5、She returns, bringing in Professor Waring.『6words』



6、Apple bringing touch to MacBook Pro『6words』

7、There's nothing much to bringing a baby.『7words』

8、I am bringing a gift for mankind.『7words』

9、Others return in person, bringing skills and capital.『8words』

10、Swift are winging angels singing, noels ringing, tidings bringing.『9words』



11、But unemployment is bringing another scourge in its wake—overwork.『9words』

12、Somewhat later, the migrants returned, bringing new species with them.『10words』

13、The jury deliberated for four hours before bringing a verdict.『10words』

14、We strive to excel in bringing out our clients vision and style.『12words』

15、An active southerly airstream is bringing rainy weather to the south China coastal areas.『14words』

16、To be sure, bringing expensive products and venturing into small cities comes with its challenges.『15words』

17、Some Somalis originally welcomed it for bringing order and for weaning locals off foreign aid.『15words』

18、He can not be successful in the future by bringing such personalities beside him, "said Safi."『16words』

19、Rufen they give hot desert, bringing life, bringing prosperity has also brought a mysterious color of hope.『17words』

20、People then believe that bringing evergreens into their homes would protect them from the spirit of death.『17words』



21、Evangelism, after all, comes from a Greek word for bringing the good news, not bringing the crappy news.『18words』

22、Spring girl carries a basket of flowers, bringing a wisp of fragrance, bringing the sound of tinkling water.『18words』

23、“What's better than making a comfy home and bringing up some cute kids and knowing nice homey people?"『18words』

24、You can create a comfortable environment by bringing friends together to discuss the situation instead of isolating each friend.『19words』

25、Since 2003, we have been bringing the very best in Europe's luxury yachting culture to our customers here in China.『20words』

26、The transverse hierarchy accords with the serial decision process of bringing forward decision problem, solving problem, evaluating project and bringing forward project.『22words』

27、Day after day they dance in silence, bringing to Tatooine light following darkness, bringing away those weak minds once it has haboured to rest in the bosom of the Force.『30words』

28、In order to truly achieve the goal of bringing forth new ideas from the old and bringing forth new ones from the old, enterprises must do a good job of "success is details, failure is details".『36words』

