

1、They just postpone them.『4words』

2、To postpone or delay needlessly.『5words』

3、to postpone; to put off『5words』

4、Postpone the pain, postpone the recovery.『6words』

5、She did not postpone her departure.『6words』



6、We gotta postpone the camping trip.『6words』

7、postpone private gain to the public welfare『7words』

8、He vowed not to postpone unpleasant decisions.『7words』

9、Coffee has ability to postpone muscle fatigue.『7words』

10、I? D like to postpone that decision until later.『9words』



11、We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week.『9words』

12、The committee judged it advisable to postpone the meeting.『9words』

13、I? D like to postpone that discussion until later.『9words』

14、Is it okay if we postpone the appointment till next Sunday?『11words』

15、Bad weather forced the general to postpone the invasion until June 6『12words』

16、It won' t hurt to postpone the matter for a few days.『12words』

17、It can not only cure the disease, but also postpone caducity and strengthen the body.『15words』

18、She's decided to postpone the test as long as I hit the books this week.『15words』

19、Mr. Zelaya had initially vowed to go back to Honduras on Thursday, but he agreed to postpone.『17words』

20、If there is no suitable potential spouse, men will postpone marriage or leave it out of the picture.『18words』



21、These parts must be ordered from overseas, so you need to postpone delivery of the goods you need.『18words』

22、 We were asked to postpone the operation and investigate the target detected by the space guard radar.『18words』

23、The longer South American countries, in particular, postpone structural reforms, the more they leave themselves hostage to the outside world.『20words』

24、Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as they postpone marriage.『23words』

25、After he hung up, he felt more tired than ever and decided to postpone calli ng the detective agency until the next day.『23words』

26、Japan's Hitachi Ltd. said on Monday it would postpone a decision on building its next plasma display factory, as prices fall and demand slackens.『24words』

27、Aon Hewitt reserves the right to postpone or cancel courses at any time. All courses will be confirmed at least 5 working days in advance.『25words』

28、“and Moses said, When I am gone outside the town, my hands will be stretched out to the Lord; the thunders and the ice-storm will come to an end, so that you may see that the earth is the Lord's."『40words』

