

1、Their dispute resulted in war.『5words』

2、The trial resulted in failure.『5words』

3、Nothing has resulted from my efforts.『6words』

4、His illness resulted from bad food.『6words』

5、The fight resulted in a stalemate.『6words』



6、collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers.『7words』

7、His stomachache resulted from eating bad food.『7words』

8、This resulted in overpriced and often inferior products.『8words』

9、Periodically, production issues resulted in a change request.『8words』

10、His stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood.『9words』



11、The number was too big, and an overflow error resulted.『10words』

12、Knowlege is gained from assiduity, unwisdom is resulted from sluttery!『10words』

13、Both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global recession.『10words』

14、The growth of containerization has resulted in changes in transport patterns and practices.『13words』

15、Chronic exposure of animals to dioxins has resulted in several types of cancer.『13words』

16、Specialisation and the effort to increase yields have resulted in the decrease of biodiversity.『14words』

17、Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species.『15words』

18、“Milrinone infusion resulted in a moderately increased heart rate, but systemic arterial pressure remained unchanged," they found.『17words』

19、This has also resulted in an increase in the sheer number of advertisements to which audiences are exposed.『18words』

20、Coalbed gases in Huainan coal field is a gas mixture resulted from thermogenic methane and secondary biogenic gas.『18words』



21、His experiments resulted in a new style that was almost exactly opposite the exact technique of the time.『18words』

22、VDMOS is widely adopted in PDP driver , the damage resulted by secondary breakdown effect can't be ignored .『19words』

23、Soil types resulted differences to seedling survival and seedling growth, but these differences were greatly reduced by the addition of water.『21words』

24、This concern for proportion resulted in clear, easily comprehended space and mass, which distinguishes the Renaissance style from the more complex Gothic.『22words』

25、For example, you can build an advanced segment to view all traffic coming from Google AdWords that resulted in transactions greater than $1,000.00.『23words』

26、Comparisons showed that limaprost resulted in significantly greater improvements in the SF-36 subscales of physical functioning, role physical, bodily pain, vitality, and mental health.『24words』

27、This resulted, painlessly, in a large vocabulary, an awareness of differences of style, the absorption of grammar and syntax and an ability to spell.『24words』

28、Lengthy planning and re-planning typically resulted in a shortened development phase, which in turn resulted in the development phase being consistently frantic and reliably late.『25words』

