

1、Emily was an eighth-grader.『4words』

2、August is the eighth month.『5words』

3、He finished eighth in the race.『6words』

4、He lives on the eighth floor.『6words』

5、The eighth Andes Parliament Meeting convenes『6words』



6、The twins were in the eighth grade.『7words』

7、It is Tom's eighth birthday this year.『7words』

8、Thank you! Now please enter the eighth group.『8words』

9、My name is the eighth in the list.『8words』

10、On the eighth day after Christmas, he went abroad.『9words』



11、He is the eighth to come to the class.『9words』

12、Look, the eighth grade ten class athletes have toward us.『10words』

13、On the eighth day of the eighth month, 2008, they got married.『12words』

14、The Great Wall is known as the eighth wonder of the world.『12words』

15、“I taught my mom to use E-mail," says another eighth-grader, Katherine Hypolite.『12words』

16、This fell for the eighth consecutive quarter and was the lowest since late 2006.『14words』

17、By the eighth century there was an educational organization throughout the whole "Arabized" world.『14words』

18、Once, Dinin's family had been the eighth-ranked among the sixty or so drow families in Menzoberranzan;『16words』

19、Even in eighth grade, American kids spend more than twice the time Korean kids spend playing sports.『17words』

20、The Jewish Torah, however, is inconveniently specific: God told Abraham to circumcise his heirs on the eighth day.『18words』



21、Sometimes an eighth level is used for a parity character. Sometimes an eighth level is used for a parity check.『20words』

22、Mr. White is waiting for you. Please take the elevator to the eighth floor and his office is Room 808.『20words』

23、“The eighth captain for the eighth month was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zerahites; and in his division were twenty-four thousand."『21words』

24、The eighth captain for the eighth month was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zarhites: and in his course were twenty and four thousand.『23words』

25、He lifted the woman's wheelchair from the eighth floor, put it away, went back upstairs, and carefully carried the woman down from the eighth floor.『25words』

26、The study found that strong teachers in the fourth through eighth grades raised the skills of their students in ways that would last for decades.『25words』

27、“Here he is!" she shouted, ushering me into the lounge where the eighth oldest person in the UK sat, flanked by six other grinning ladies.『25words』

28、Whereas nowadays the lay people observe only four Uposatha Days in each month. These are the eighth waxing, the full-moon, the eighth waning and the new-moon days.『27words』

