

1、Received an honorable burial.『4words』

2、A burial ground; a cemetery.『5words』

3、a burial chamber (usually underground).『5words』

4、And an ancient Indian burial ground?『6words』

5、the marriage, burial, communion, etc service『6words』



6、permitted burial ground for recognized villages『6words』

7、Will Qaddafi get a proper burial『6words』

8、The gens has a common burial place.『7words』

9、We want to give her a proper burial.『8words』

10、It's about creating garments that are designed for burial.『9words』



11、Tri-colored glazed pottery was usually used for burial objects.『9words』

12、It could not have been on a burial ground.『9words』

13、The only land he saw was his burial ground.『9words』

14、Burial the burial of the dead sailor was performed at sea.『11words』

15、She accompanied him in Galilee, and she witnessed his crucifixion and burial.『12words』

16、If it were you, Will you choose to take wedding photos at burial ground?『14words』

17、The door of the burial- vault is carved and decorated with fine ivory incrustation .『15words』

18、Probably the only life insurance he needs is enough to cover his debts and burial expenses.『16words』

19、In addition, it must be remembered that this was a private burial ground, not a public cemetery.『17words』

20、Zhongyuan oilfield is a high burial depth, high oil layer and types and inhomogeneous block faulted oilfield.『17words』



21、It may be this burial custom that explains why the houses were packed in so tightly without streets.『18words』

22、Xu: Different ways of dealing with death, basically internment methods, the choice of burial site and the preparations.『18words』

23、The forms of burial vary among China's ethnic minorities, including cremation, inhumation, "water burial" and "sky burial" (exposure burial).『19words』

24、He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.『19words』

25、Simultaneously, it pointed out that the features which possessed in the funeral ceremony are burial, speed burial, funerals and equality.『20words』

26、Sometimes I followed a procession of buried people to the burial ground to see how their burial procedures differed from the customs of my place.『25words』

27、At that time, celestial burial was still a mysterious ceremony that was not open to the public, and few people knew about it. It was only in recent years that celestial burial was gradually opened to the public.『38words』

28、A total of 20 late Neolithic burials, with skeleton and burial objects such as pottery, stone rings, bone and shell decorations, were discovered, proving that Tung Wan Tsai is a unique burial ground for Neolithic people of 4000 years ago.『40words』

