

1、You're marrying into her family.『5words』

2、He nagged her into marrying him.『6words』

3、I don't approve of cousins marrying.『6words』

4、I have no regret marrying you.『6words』

5、Bless her from marrying a miser.『6words』



6、He has no intention of marrying yet.『7words』

7、He braved his father's displeasure by marrying her.『8words』

8、RHETT: Don't flatter yourself, I'm not a marrying man.『9words』

9、He braved his father's displeasure by marrying that girl.『9words』

10、 You can give up all/any thought of marrying Tom.『10words』



11、Why should he object to marrying into our aristocracy ?『10words』

12、For any typical clerk marrying a caste girl and seating on seashore?『12words』

13、If you really love someone, you should let him go instead of marrying him.『14words』

14、The mountainside ceremony has become a favorite adventure for Thai couples marrying around Valentines’s Day.『15words』

15、I don't know why she's marrying that appalling man;I wouldn't touch him with a barge-pole.『15words』

16、Not because she is marrying a prince but because she is marrying a man she loves.『16words』

17、The idea of marrying a rich heiress, which his female relatives suggested, was repulsive to him.『16words』

18、Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy famously declared that "monogamy bores me" just before marrying Mr Sarkozy two years ago。『16words』

19、Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy famously declared that "monogamy bores me" just before marrying Mr Sarkozy two years ago.『16words』

20、At the end of 1955, people were marrying like flies, it is unlucky to marry in a leap year.『19words』



21、If the bell was given to Yuanzhi instead of marrying into the Pang family, the second sister would not die.『20words』

22、It's bad enough for Ashley to be marrying the Hamilton child, but for Honey to be marrying that pale-looking Charles Hamilton--"『21words』

23、Therefore, naming a newborn child is no less important than marrying and marrying a daughter, and the ceremony is extraordinarily solemn.『21words』

24、Mel Ferrer her costar in a stage production of "Ondine" fell in love with her for real marrying her in 1954.『21words』

25、Hugely popular with Mexican fans, she added to her popularity by marrying fellow Olympian Josef Odlozil in a ceremony in Mexico City.『22words』

26、For a girl, marrying into the husband's household was not so much a matter of marrying the husband, then, as marrying the mother-in-law.『23words』

27、Marrying a rickshaw puller-though she'd had no alternative-had been marrying beneath her; she couldn't lower herself further by asking him for money every day.『24words』

28、As a marketer, I was also attracted by its strength, just like a woman waiting to marry always looking forward to marrying a good man.『25words』

