

1、Are we getting smarter『4words』

2、Making Web applications smarter.『4words』

3、You're a little smarter already!『5words』

4、She's smarter than her brother.『5words』

5、No, I thought I'd better look smarter『7words』



6、People who aren't any smarter than you.『7words』

7、You're bigger; you're smarter, and you're right!『7words』

8、Because, our fears notwithstanding, we actually get smarter.『8words』

9、He honestly believes he's smarter than everybody else.『8words』

10、As a popular saying says, "Work smarter, not harder."『9words』



11、If you want to appear smarter, hang around someone stupider.『10words』

12、This means that social chimpanzees are smarter than solitary orangutan.『10words』

13、All of them are my teachers, either smarter or smarter than I am.『13words』

14、I'd like to outsource as much energy saving as possible to smarter technology.『13words』

15、He will hold the post of consul general for the United States at Shanghai.『14words』

16、“Their government people are so much smarter: it's terrifying," enthused one of the world's richest men.『16words』

17、Time is a precious gift to us. It makes us smarter, better, more mature and more perfect.『17words』

18、When you hire people who are smarter than you are, you prove you are smarter than they are.『18words』

19、Don't tell me that men are smarter than women. It's just our hint that women are not smarter.『18words』

20、Before 2.4, Terracotta could do smarter locking in the cluster than threads in a single JVM could support.『18words』



21、Still, the Chinese public would mock her inane statements, such as "Einstein is for sure not smarter than me."『19words』

22、Hannibal Lecter: Then, by implication, you think you're smarter than I am, since it was you who caught me.『19words』

23、There is no debate between whether you need to work smarter or harder. You have to work both smarter and harder.『21words』

24、We would all like to think that humankind is getting smarter and wiser and that our past blunders won't be repeated.『21words』

25、I think she is very special because she is just an old lady but she is even smarter than the policemen.『21words』

26、But his unassuming words mask a cultural pride: Mr Wang says Chinese companies are smarter and work harder than their western competitors.『22words』

27、WHY the RICH AREN't smarter: other people "glorify wealth and think that it means that the wealthy are smarter, wiser, more 'blessed' or some other such crock."『27words』

28、Smart, smarter and smarter, to the end of excellence, because the time to make friends, to change themselves, excellence, more and more excellent, to the end of success, because the time to make friends, to improve life.『37words』

