

1、filing cord pique『3words』

2、permanent filing of working paper『5words』

3、Character and entry filing principles『5words』

4、You don't need a complicated filing system.『7words』

5、For instance, what is a filing system?『7words』



6、And the filing will not halt operations.『7words』

7、This includes filing cabinets, lamps, and shelves.『7words』

8、An open envelope or folder for filing papers.『8words』

9、Read our 9 tips on using filing cabinets.『8words』

10、Think of it as filing for an appeal.『8words』



11、Handle the filing work of payment vouchers and related documents.『10words』

12、He carefully locked away the records in a filing cabinet.『10words』

13、Twenty-sixth Information System Security Grading Protection filing and evaluation rectification.『10words』

14、Whitacre said on Thursday that GM was preparing its IPO filing.『11words』

15、The computerized filing systems usually store data in the following ways:『11words』

16、I mean, they've been filing the weekly progress reports with me.『11words』

17、Can you put those files in the filing cabinet over there?『11words』

18、With this extra large filing cabinet, my new filing system will be unstoppable.『13words』

19、(1) filing fee, additional fee for filing application, and printing fee for publishing the application;『15words』

20、They're also filing for an injunction that would keep the company from hiring unpaid interns in the future.『18words』



21、You said we would have to issue a list of instructions to all the staff on filing routine.『18words』

22、where, at the time of filing, they are not indicated, they shall be supplied within four months from the date of filing『22words』

23、“ Requirements for optical disk storage, filing and archival management of CAD electronic records Part 1: Filing and archival management of CAD electronic records"『24words』

24、Article 24: After having obtained a business-related website Record-filing Certificate, the business-related website owner shall each year apply to the Record-filing Authority for annual inspection.『25words』

25、The date of filing referred to in these Rules, except as otherwise prescribed, means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law.『26words』

26、The Respondent shall also pay the filing fee for a Counter Claim as provided in the Fee Schedule at the time of filing the Counter Claim with the Arbitration Commission.『30words』

27、I feel quite certain that as a result of the course in filing which I completed at the Crosby School of Business, I can install and operate efficiently a filing system for your organization.『34words』

28、“The date on which the Patent Office receives the application shall Be the date of filing. If the application is sent by mail, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark shall be the date of filing."『37words』

