

1、Outsource whenever there is need.『5words』

2、Share your resources whenever possible.『5words』

3、We try to help whenever possible.『6words』

4、Professionals meet or exceed expectations whenever possible.『7words』

5、Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise.『7words』



6、Avoid joint or group decisions whenever possible.『7words』

7、THIRTEEN: You feel shy whenever they're around.『7words』

8、Droop in whenever you come to see your parents.『9words』

9、Ceylon encourages the use of immutable attributes whenever possible.『9words』

10、When in port, visit seafarers' sports centres whenever possible.『9words』



11、Practice whenever you need to recharge, refresh, or reboot!『9words』

12、Most physicians are paid whenever they perform a medical service.『10words』

13、The thing is, whenever you change, you're also giving something up.『11words』

14、These files will be overwritten whenever you reinstall or upgrade CUPS.『11words』

15、Simplifying assumptions are introduced whenever expedient, and generalizations are made whenever practical.『12words』

16、Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book.『13words』

17、This line is shown whenever a user runs rpm -qi to query the RPM database.『15words』

18、All relevant data is in the palm of a soldier's hand whenever it is needed.『15words』

19、In the big world, whenever a red maple falls, whenever a petal dies, will it be you?『17words』

20、Whenever I saw my father's silver hair, whenever I saw his hump back, tears filled my eyes.『17words』



21、You can find fun whenever you are enjoying yourself , exercising , or killing the time on the sea.『19words』

22、Whenever you say "I love you", please say it honestly; whenever you say "I'm sorry", please look into the other person's eyes.『22words』

23、When an expression is being parsed, the parser should emit the word "INTERSECT" whenever it parses "and" and "UNION" whenever it parses "or".『23words』

24、Whenever two people get together, somebody always starts a rumor just like the way a spider spins a web whenever two tree branches meet.『24words』

25、Whenever a new directory or file is created, a file is deleted, or whenever a file is written to, the metadata cache is updated.『24words』

26、I will need to do another 280 reads per second which you can use to guess whenever current IO subsystem can handle it or whenever it needs an increase.『29words』

27、whenever it changes its name, residence, site, legal representative, economic nature, scope of business, mode of operation, registered capital or duration of operation and whenever it increases or disbands its branches.『31words』

28、Yet whenever I think of school I think of flowers. Just as whenever I think of Papa's grave I think of a crescent moon outside the city - hanging crooked in the wind blowing across the fields.『37words』


上一篇:those people造句,用those people怎么造句子(28句)