

1、She keeps flirting with boys.『5words』

2、Who are you flirting with?『5words』

3、What would dating be without flirting.『6words』

4、Resolve to improve your flirting skills.『6words』

5、The bullfighters are flirting with death.『6words』



6、She was flirting with her boyfriend.『6words』

7、Can publicly socializing and flirting online be dangerous?『8words』

8、 Such unconstrained flirting is too self-confident and ridiculous.『9words』

9、Some people are good at flirting and some people hopeless.『10words』

10、Everybody's always flirting with her and coming on to her.『10words』



11、B: Yeah, she' s always flirting with guys like a socialbutterfly.『11words』

12、So here's the secret to flirting on the phone: USE YOUR FLIRTY VOICE!『13words』

13、Using a female metaphor for Lin Chong is a joke, not gay flirting『13words』

14、Almost the same number would not report it if they had been flirting.『13words』

15、Dad's flirting with all the ladies, or they're all flirting with him, as usual.『14words』

16、Either way, now there is now a dress to help you with all that flirting.『15words』

17、She has more curiosity in life than wondering if right now you are flirting with someone else.『17words』

18、If you have been out of the singles game for a while, flirting can be particularly daunting.『17words』

19、Amos seemed the most solid, sincere prospect for L'il Kizzy to quit flirting and settle down with.『17words』

20、The architects have described the architectural design as 'flirting with modernism, giving the villa a sense of timelessness'.『18words』



21、Many people are mortified by their flirting skills and get flustered when dealing with people they're attracted to.『18words』

22、Don't start flirting with me. I'm not one of your plantation beaux. I want more than flirting from you.『19words』

23、The captain of the boat was this totally hot, complete 'beach guy for life' type, and I spent the whole day flirting with him.『24words』

24、They are a complicated team, like every side that's flirting with relegation. I hope we can win, but we will have to make a big effort.『26words』

25、There is humor in my work but I'm not playing cynical games or flirting with the art world or engaging with the frivolity of the market.『26words』

26、The Wichita, Kansas middle schools, for students aged 11 to 14 years old, started the separate lunches for boys and girls to reduce teasing, rough-housing and flirting.『27words』

27、A German university even requires their it engineers take a flirting class-not to attract a partner, but to learn how to interact more effectively in the workplace.『27words』

28、In one of the most in-depth looks at flirting you will find anywhere, a feature in Psychology Today detailed everything from the origins of flirting to inherent chemical attractions.『29words』

