

1、bolster center filler『3words』

2、moving bolster press『3words』

3、Pillars bolster the roof.『4words』

4、bolster up sb.'s pride『4words』

5、Can rest elbows on a bolster『6words』



6、bolster up spirits [a person's spirits]『6words』

7、Some foods positively bolster your defences.『6words』

8、bolster case of knitted or crocheted, textile materials『8words』

9、The Americans hope that Pakistan's efforts can help bolster turnout.『10words』

10、Do you agree that the government can bolster the economy?『10words』



11、All three bilateral agreements would bolster relations with important Allies.『10words』

12、The country is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.『11words』

13、Lithuania scents Russian interference whenever it tries to bolster its energy independence.『12words』

14、It is also needed to bolster Europe's belief in competition and free markets.『13words』

15、Money is employed to bolster the sense of morality remaining in people's hearts.『13words』

16、The future of web is going to bolster even further growth with user interaction.『14words』

17、He argued that the uninsured represent a "hidden tax", whereas new "health insurance exchanges" would bolster competition.『17words』

18、And not enough Banks have been willing to sell stock at low prices to bolster their balance sheets.『18words』

19、Specifically, this growth package should bolster both business investment and consumer spending, which are critical to economic growth.『18words』

20、The run-up to next year’s five-yearly NPT review conference offers a chance to bolster the fraying anti-proliferation regime.『18words』



21、Jackson had been engineering a comeback tour, an effort to rehabilitate his public image and bolster his tottering finances.『19words』

22、What's happened in Charlestown shows how rezoning and a change in public infrastructure can help bolster an area's home prices.『20words』

23、Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships, their predominance can bolster individuals' sense of self-worth.『20words』

24、But the latest round of cuts failed to bolster markets meaningfully on Thursday, as the pan-European Dow Jones Stoxx 600 fell 2.8% to 221.75.『24words』

25、It is expected that the raf Harrier T12s will be of particular interest to the USMC as potential airworthy aircraft to bolster its small twin-seater fleet.『26words』

26、To bolster the investigation, which may be coming to a head, nine detectives and a sergeant from the major-case squad will be added today to the 40-man detective task force hunting Byrne's killers.『33words』

27、The load spectrum of the bolster spring is determined by means of establishing the mechanics model of bolster and spring of Zhuan 8a type bogie, and by using a known load spectrum of the bolster.『35words』

28、I know because I've done it myself - writing about media interest in the death of a young British girl overseas, I used a handy line from "the Decline of the English Murder" to bolster my argument.『37words』

