

1、Comprehensive geochemical surveys are analysed.『5words』

2、He analysed the various factors.『5words』

3、The subjects' faces were then analysed.『6words』

4、I stepped back and analysed the situation.『7words』

5、The results were analysed in percentage terms.『7words』



6、The error is analysed in measuring temperature.『7words』

7、The particularities of zinc alloy material were analysed.『8words』

8、It is treated with acid before being analysed.『8words』

9、The pinhole closure problom was qualitatively analysed and discussed.『9words』

10、Influence factors of concrete carbonization are analysed in this paper.『10words』



11、The mechanism of moistureproof agent is analysed and discussed here.『10words』

12、The 25 results for each photograph were then averaged and analysed.『11words』

13、The stress and strain of materials have mostly been analysed in planar isotropy.『13words』

14、The reasons of bulling were analysed, and the typical countermeasures and suggestions were put forward.『15words』

15、The development process of application system is also analysed based on reconfigurable software development platform.『15words』

16、More often, the data have to be collected, reviewed, analysed statistically, found wanting, collected again and re-analysed.『17words』

17、The ways of analysing students score are graphic-arts technique, the item analysed method and the entirety analysed method.『18words』

18、To do this, the oils were broken into their component parts and analysed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.『19words』

19、Causes of ineffectiveness of plastics extruder screw due to cracking are analysed, briefly intro - duces renovation by welding.『19words』

20、The chemical compositions of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite matrix and a dark rim are analysed with instrumental neutron activation method.『20words』



21、The fuzzy orthogonal design is a method that the orthogonal results were fuzzed and then analysed using fuzzy mathematical theory.『20words』

22、In this article, the principal factors affecting hole curvature are analysed, the principle of anti-deflecting packed hole assembly design is discussed.『21words』

23、According to the fact of JDC, the enterprise's competitiveness is analysed, and the constitute tactics of products for modernized enterprises is analysed.『22words』

24、The authors introduced the structure of ATX power, analysed the common breakdown of ATX power, and pointed out the main points concerning maintenance.『23words』

25、The paper has analysed the relationship between ore formation and tectonics, medium structure, microstructure of the Xiangxi gold deposit, and analysed the ore-forming mechanism.『24words』

26、In terms of titanium alloy rheology law, the vibration extruded tapping technological features were analysed and one kind of vibration extruded tapper principle was offered.『25words』

27、The article first analysed the actions of Physical Distribution and Storage Management System, based on this, it analysed the functions in detail and get the material models.『27words』

28、The paper compendiously analysed the case of the cockloft wall crack of tier bricklaying building, and mainly analysed structure design problem of wall crack caused by temperature stress.『28words』

