

1、interpret as an allegory.『4words』

2、Thefilm is an iconoclastic allegory.『5words』

3、It is also an allegory.『5words』

4、What did you learn from this allegory『7words』

5、How does allegory function in Courbet's Modernism?『7words』



6、The play can be read as allegory .『8words』

7、Representing figurative ly as by emblem or allegory.『8words』

8、used in or characteristic of or containing allegory.『8words』

9、Thus, this short story is an allegory of modernism.『9words』

10、The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.『10words』



11、So they would say, oh it's just — it's an allegory.『11words』

12、The whole allegory is a consistent attack on morality and respectability.『11words』

13、He delighted in allegory, and in the elaborate sentiments of courtly love.『12words』

14、They claim the Grail legend-that of a chalice-is actually an ingeniously conceived allegory.『13words』

15、It's an allegory precisely cleverly introduced by language about the inefficacy of speech.『13words』

16、It comprehenses the reasons for forming the allegory, the thoughts and contents of the allegory.『15words』

17、An allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.『15words』

18、The symbolic theories of Romanticism lie in Romanticists 'exposition about symbol, allegory, myth, limitlessness, and so on.『17words』

19、The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity. I want to read this comic!『18words』

20、There are two rhetoric anamorphoses in Poes novels about "say this but refer to that" : allegory and irony.『19words』



21、The New Documentary Film, known for its perspicuous feature of "allegory", has created a unique cultural phenomenon during the 1990s.『20words』

22、There was no mythical "Golden Period" in the sense of the Garden of Eden, and no allegory of the Fall of Man;『22words』

23、With the birth of modern science, anti-science thoughts made ruthless mockery allegory of science and could be traced as the origin of modem anti-science ideology.『25words』

24、As one of the greatest, the most profound literature critic of 20th century, Benjamin's allegory criticism, shock aesthetics, negativism becomes a treasure-house of later aesthetics idea.『26words』

25、The Ballad of the Sad Café, a novella by Carson McCullers in 1943, is generally regarded as an allegory of universal modern human existence of“spiritual isolation.”『26words』

26、Another emerging school of blogging, potentially as subversive as any political allegory, involves bringing Chinese Web surfers more closely in touch with things happening outside their country.『27words』

27、Man in a coir raincoat traveling in time and space is like Ta-mo, who crossed a river by driving a reed over it, integrating endless Buddhist allegory with emptiness and indistinctness.『31words』

28、In Plato's philosophy there are thus two distinct worlds, and it is these two worlds that are symbolized in his allegory by the cave on the one hand, and the outside world on the other.『35words』

