

1、These are ominous words.『4words』

2、of momentous or ominous significance.『5words』

3、This ominous warning soon proved prophetic.『6words』

4、an ominous sign that war threatens.『6words』

5、Cue ominous theme music from Dragnet.『6words』



6、There are more ominous trends than these.『7words』

7、To give forth a mournful or ominous sound.『8words』

8、The current rally ignores some ominous economic trends.『8words』

9、Those last lines, then, are so ominous and strange.『9words』

10、But the evidence tells a different, much more ominous story.『10words』



11、To hackers the recent contraction in civil liberties seems especially ominous.『11words』

12、It may turn out to be the most ominous struggle of them all.『13words』

13、The researcher had an ominous foreboding, and he remembered a word his mother had mentioned: derailment.『16words』

14、Although that seemed ominous for bipartisan co-operation, Republican senators were on course to vote for the deal.『17words』

15、Such reports come from the world's edges, with their evocation of the unknown, the marvellous and the ominous.『18words』

16、The gold poster with its sharp angles and ominous sense of impending doom makes this a classic pick.『18words』

17、The more complicated and ominous scenario would be for Greece or another member to eventually secede from the Union.『19words』

18、According to Chinese myths, this is an ominous day in the ominous month when pestilence and poisonous creatures outbreak actively.『20words』

19、There was the ominous aphorism, repeated again and again, that no man can profit but by the loss of others.『20words』

20、There is a widespread testimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities.『21words』



21、Conclusion: Inflammatory breast carcinoma is the most aggressive breast neoplasm and one of the most ominous solid tumor with poor prognosis.『21words』

22、At that time, it was an ominous sign of heaven's "punishment", which should have aroused the "alarm and alarm" of Emperor Wanli.『22words』

23、But Endicott, in the excitement of the moment, shook his sword wrathfully at the culprit-an ominous gesture from a man like him.『22words』

24、The Smith surely would refuse it because he thinks that the scene is ominous and an ominous sword is absolutely not to be made.『24words』

25、Yet the silence from Washington after his visit to Okinawa was ominous, speaking eloquently of an apparent lack of faith in Mr Hatoyama himself.『24words』

26、We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency—a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here.『28words』

27、However, if the "click" of an opening door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the "click" with an increase in volume.『32words』

28、 State-owned three ominous, is not and Yan, the husband has virtue but does not know, one ominous; know but do not use, two ominous; use but do not accept, three ominous; the so-called ominous is if this also.『39words』

