

1、twirling of the needle『4words』

2、Twirling, twirling. We all fall down.『6words』

3、I watched the dancers twirling .『6words』

4、He flatfoot along, twirling his club.『6words』

5、She was twirling her hair absentmindedly.『6words』



6、More than a twirling wobble is implied.『7words』

7、Nail biting, thumb sucking, hair twirling, foot tapping.『8words』

8、He flatfoot along, twirling his club.(James T. Farrell).『8words』

9、Power comes from an old motorcycle engine twirling wood blades.『10words』

10、He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air.『10words』



11、It was a year of capes, twirling, and Solange dressed as a fan.『13words』

12、The children enjoyed twirling round and round, but I felt giddy just watching them.『14words』

13、The windy Dakotas, if studded with twirling wind turbines, could become the Saudi Arabia of hydrogen.『16words』

14、“Play?" said Templeton, twirling his whiskers. "Play? I hardly know the meaning of the word. "『16words』

15、Governments' obsession about home ownership has contributed as much to the meltdown as any moustache-twirling financier.『16words』

16、A magnetic field exerts forces on such charged particles, too, sending them twirling around magnetic field lines.『17words』

17、The pain. twirling must be in a straight way, and twisting or curving must be avoided. avoided.『17words』

18、He had "a lady's waist," a victorious manner of trailing his sword and of twirling his mustache in a hook.『20words』

19、Kungfu master Shi Dechao can swing his 10-kilogram 'monk's spade,' an ancient Chinese shovel, like a majorette twirling a baton.『20words』

20、Using a one-inch curling iron, curl your entire head of hair, twirling the iron just halfway up the hair shaft.『20words』



21、Ahead of the dragon pranced a youth twirling a staff with a big ball of coloured paper streamers at one end.『21words』

22、The city wall is built on the top of the cliff, winding and twirling, flying around, flying like clouds, strong and vigorous, magnificent and magnificent.『25words』

23、The valley was filled with rising mists, and he saw before him a ball of reddish colour that was at once rushing, twirling, leaping, roaring and crooning.『27words』

24、Inproving the symptom at irregular pain in upper abdomen and epigastric distention, the tonic twirling of the needle treatment group was better than even reinforcing-reducing method control group.『28words』

25、Through the silver painted outline of a window on a wall are film images of men and women twirling, a scene from "Russian Ark", which was shot in St Petersburg's Hermitage.『31words』

26、“When my daughter was 2, I found her twirling paper towel tubes, tied with twine, in the air. I asked her what she was doing. She said she was practicing her "nun chucks".『33words』

27、On the surface, at least, he dropped his head slightly, his quiet side face in the long, oblique light of the sunset, his fingertips twirling a light yellow page, and saw no danger at all.『35words』

28、His gestures are huge in keeping with his long arms, reaching at one moment in a wide arc, at another bringing his hands together with the fingers twirling to suggest a finer point in the discussion.『36words』

