1、expiry of Crown lease『4words』
2、Each certificate has an expiry.『5words』
3、Automatic import license expiry date『5words』
4、The licence can be renewed on expiry.『7words』
5、Number of notifications discarded by mobile categorizer due to expiry『10words』
6、We are agreed the expiry date is March the 18th.『10words』
7、The Expires header specifies a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) expiry.『10words』
8、What is the expiry date on your library novel ?『10words』
9、And as leases get closer to their expiry dates, their value erodes.『12words』
10、Retroactive assessment of batches produced for the U. S. market within expiry.『12words』
11、Funding costs are gradually reduced over time as the CBBC moves towards expiry.『13words』
12、After the date of the expiry of the validity period of the Contract『13words』
13、Except as provided in sub-Article 44(a), documents must be presented on or before such expiry date.『16words』
14、the date of expiry of the period of provisional registration referred to in section 29 (1) (b).『17words』
15、Review the expiry date (use them within a year or two of the date they were manufactured)『17words』
16、An expiry date stated for honour or negotiation will be deemed to be an expiry date for presentation.『18words』
17、The Development Manager shall ensure that the performance guarantee is valid and enforceable until the expiry of the Guarantee Period.『20words』
18、The scheduleResourceLifeCycleTask() method is called with the session bean context, expiry time, and identifier of the resource (calcID) as parameters.『20words』
19、An expiry date stipulated for payment, acceptance or negotiation will be construed to express an expiry date for presentation of documents.『21words』
20、if it fails to appeal or to pay the fine or the confiscated sum at the expiry of the prescribed period.『21words』
21、Generally, milk bottles at the front of the shelf in the supermarket have an expiry date of only a few days.『21words』
22、A contract giving the taker the right to sell a fixed number of shares at a fixed price on or before the expiry date.『24words』
23、Upon expiry of this agreement pursuant to sections on Termination and Probation, you shall not be entitled to any compensation, severance pay, or indemnity whatsoever.『25words』
24、An inspection and authentication institution on import and export commodities shall apply to the AQSIQ for replacing the certificate 3 months prior to the expiry date.『26words』
25、Where the licensee does not lodge a renewal application before the expiry date of the administrative license, the administrative license shall be invalid naturally after the expiry date.『28words』
26、Check the expiry date on your permit, and make sure you renew or "Change the Conditions" of your Study Permit at least 60-90 days before the expiry date.『28words』
27、It is a kind of option strategy that the investor buy and sell the same type of two options which have the same expiry date but with the different strike price.『31words』
28、During the course of mining in open pit, one of the most important issues to mine management is to ensure the open pit slope steady for long term in the situation of transition and expiry periods.『36words』