



3、To transfer(a stenciled design)with pounce.『5words』

4、The lion crouched ready to pounce.『6words』

5、She resigned herself to her fate.『6words』



6、The lion gathers itself and prepares to pounce.『8words』

7、to pounce on somebody again after being beaten off『9words』

8、The hawk pounce on its prey and carry it off.『10words』

9、We saw the tiger about to pounce on the goat.『10words』

10、The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes.『12words』



11、The big cats wait for the right moment, then pounce swiftly on their prey.『14words』

12、The boss was ready to pounce on the typist when she made the slightest mistake.『15words』

13、Pharmaceutical companies, eager to expand their markets, would be tempted to pounce on these new “patients”.『16words』

14、He thought that the slow movements might mean that he was preparing to pounce, as cats do.『17words』

15、When the prey is within range it gracefully skates across the waters surface to pounce on its victim.『18words』

16、The Northern Expeditionary Army wanted to cross the Yellow River from Liujiakou and pounce directly on Beijing from Shandong.『19words』

17、Little did I know that Murphy's Law was poised to pounce and prove my calming reassurances to be misguided.『19words』

18、And lately, at least, every time Obama turns around, he seems to give conservatives an opening to pounce on him.『20words』

19、Even standing under the eaves, the lovely Ying Butterfly will smartly pounce on your face and get into your collar, cool and moist.『23words』

20、Please open that closed, damp window, let the sunshine walk lightly, with a happy smile, pounce on your heart, bump into your happy heart.『24words』



21、It may seem soft and squishy to the touch, but a new robot is tough on the inside and ready to pounce, researchers say.『24words』

22、Yet Chelsea - compact, efficient and patiently waiting for the moment to pounce - always appeared the stronger as a group with their spine unflappable.『25words』

23、Easy sugar did not want to jump up and pounce hard, the boy was caught off guard, she fell to the ground, the two immediately into a group.『28words』

24、Wings outstretched talons flared and ears tuned to the faintest scrabblings of a rodent hidden under winter's white carpet a snowy owl in quebec province canada prepares to pounce.『29words』

25、Japan's stagnant domestic economy offers no prospects for growth, and the strong yen, low asset prices and a dearth of rival bidders make it a good time to pounce.『29words』

26、Groom a pretender (for lack of a better word), build a coalition, and wait for your CEO to screw up, which he will if he is a short-termer. Then pounce.『30words』

27、It wasn't easy because Livorno are strong defensively and then try to hit you on the break, but we stayed calm and waited for the right moment to pounce, " said Ranieri."『32words』

28、With the passage of time, the clouds and seas at your feet begin to pounce into the sky with the wind and waves, and from time to time stir up the waves in your heart.『35words』

