

1、My tongue is tingling.『4words』

2、A tingling or pricking sensation.『5words』

3、Never ignore numbness or tingling.『5words』

4、Mother was tingling with anxiety.『5words』

5、Be on pins and needles;tingling『5words』



6、You could also feel tingling or numbness.『7words』

7、Do you have any tingling in the hands?『8words』

8、To cause a tingling or pricking sensation in.『8words』

9、On angina pectoris caused by chest tightness, tingling precordial.『9words』

10、Nuclear radiations cause itching and tingling of the skin.『9words』



11、Somewhere around midnight, I awoke, a sound tingling in my ears.『11words』

12、Once the experience, just know it is accompanied by tingling heart like pain.『13words』

13、The pain and tingling is the nerve's way of telling you it's uncomfortable.『13words』

14、For me, fear feels like clammy skin, tingling, a chill down the spine, and sometimes nausea.『16words』

15、So occasional numbness is benign, but persistent tingling and numbness will lead to more permanent changes.『16words』

16、The snow was over, and a tingling wind had sprungup, that lashed his face as he stood gazing.『18words』

17、Subjective symptoms consist of pruritus (itching), sensations of heat (burning), cold (tingling), prickling, biting, formication, pain, and numbness.『18words』

18、You will actually feel various energy sensations like: tingling, heat, cold, heaviness, and a drawing feeling, to name a few.『20words』

19、Thomas felt the old feeling, fear, pleasure, eagerness, and electric tingling in his arms and legs, his gut pulling in.『20words』

20、A 55-year-old man visited our hospital because of sudden onset of dizziness, vomiting, dysarthria and tingling sensation on the left extremities.『21words』



21、Here's a selection of London's top edible delights and best cooking aid and recipe book shops to get your taste buds tingling.『22words』

22、Although many different problems can occur as a result of diabetic neuropathy, common symptoms are tingling, pain, numbness, or weakness in the feet and hands.『25words』

23、It is normally prepared in such a way that a tiny amount of poison is left in the fish as the poison gives it a slightly numbing and tingling effect.『30words』

24、Ramona Flower, the American deliver girl, is so weird all the way by my standard with hair color changed every week and a half, stupid hippie outfits like tingling-dangling drug user.『31words』

25、After arranging the accommodation, Nima asked me to go to the lobby to cook the fire, because the village had just finished a snow, there was a tingling feeling in the air.『32words』

26、And she thought with a tingling in her heart how she and Ashley might ride swiftly through this beauty of blossom and greenery this very afternoon, or tonight by moonlight, toward Jonesboro and a preacher.『35words』

27、Although the imitation cannot achieve the same high level muscle activity as a good quality vibration device, normal user can hardly differentiate between a good and a poor device as they both give similar tingling sensation.『36words』

28、He suddenly experienced tingling in the left hand and arm, and on examination had a syndrome of left neglect: he failed to explore the left half of space, and extinguished both left tactile and left visual stimuli when presented on both sides simultaneously.『43words』

