

1、cotton tallow packing『3words』

2、melting of tallow [offensive trade]『5words』

3、it tastes no better than tallow『6words』

4、Like the blue bream tallow leaf shadows.『7words』

5、Down. Hides and honey, ale and tallow.『7words』



6、night-light of tallow, stearin, paraffin wax or other waxes『9words』

7、Don't you know one about bacon and tallow candles?『9words』

8、A candle made by repeated dipping in tallow or wax.『10words』

9、Like tallow, this was derived from animals, but had no glycerine content.『12words』

10、Don't you know any story about bacon, or tallow in the store-room?『12words』



11、Inedible tallow and other inedible fats may be shipped appropriately identified for industrial use.『14words』

12、As I fill the milk cartons with tallow, Tyler puts them in the fridge.『14words』

13、He turned to the fireplace, where a big kettle of tallow for candles was heating.『15words』

14、More and more tallow will rise until the water is skinned over with a rainbow mother-of-pearl layer.『17words』

15、The placing of these millions added seriously and most uncomfortably to the family expenses — in tallow candles.『18words』

16、The biodiesel production through transesterification reaction from tallow with methanol was studied, and KOH was used as catalyst.『18words』

17、Gentle polishing with a soft cloth or brush will allow the tallow to be reabsorbed back into the leather.『19words』

18、This penalty was carried out using a large cauldron filled with water, oil, tar, tallow or even molten lead.『19words』

19、It was empty, but a feeble tallow candle, with a broken back and a long, cauliflower-headed wick sputtered upon the table.『21words』

20、This paper mainly studied the lipase-catalyzed interesterification of Chinese vegetable tallow and methyl stearate to produce cocoa butter equivalent in solvent-free system.『22words』



21、The company makes its biodiesel from tallow and used cooking oil - by-products of other industries and which have few alternative USES.『22words』

22、Lounging outside the village, looking around, Chinese tallow, ginkgo, maple, persimmon, chestnut and pepper plants, scattered in the hillside fields, house front and back.『24words』

23、Although there has been a general uptrend in world exports of fats and oils the growth has been mainly limited to edible oils and tallow.『25words』

24、Missouri data reported no change in dry matter intake when tallow was added to high fiber diets but decreased intake when tallow was added to low fiber diets.『28words』

25、Pinus massoniana with green onions, maple trees with red flames and tallow trees are the most beautiful. They have sunflower-like yellow, sunny orange, fire-like red and Earth-like brown.『28words』

26、The standard method was used to test the colour of neutralized-bleached tallow, and the general method usually used by enterprise was to test the colour of direct bleached tallow.『29words』

27、You are sitting in the cabin of the ship. Just lift your head up and there will be red leaves of tallow trees along the river bank and green hills not far from the sky greeting you.『37words』

28、Accordingly the next day, I came provided with six large candles of my own making; for I made very good candles now of goat's tallow; and going into this low place, I was oblig'd to creep upon all fours, as I have said, almost ten yards;『46words』

