

1、We deplore the accident.『4words』

2、We deplore what has happened.『5words』

3、One must deplore their violent behavior.『6words』

4、They did things which we deplore.『6words』

5、We deplore this lamentably ill-advised decision.『6words』



6、What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?『9words』

7、What is the trait you most deplore in others?『9words』

8、We deplore the shift to blogs, snippets, and tweets.『9words』

9、If we deplore Iran's brutality, shouldn't we also deplore yours?『10words』

10、I deplore the accident which was caused by my carelessness.『10words』



11、However, what is deplore is that Erwin also accused Keegan of destroying his self-confidence.『14words』

12、Her natural tendency was to deplore human failings in others and ignore them in herself.『15words』

13、Bitterly did he deplore a deficiency which now he could scarcely comprehend to have been possible.『16words』

14、And this founds good basement of the research and deplore of MIS in thermal power plants.『16words』

15、While this company makes some noodles I really enjoy, they also make this one which I deplore.『17words』

16、Socialist societies celebrate, and capitalist ones deplore, the exigencies which have enlarged the role of the state.『17words』

17、Some will deplore this new sign that America’s dysfunctional polity is being crushed in the vice of faction.『18words』

18、It's the contemplation of this sort of thing that makes me deplore my fate in being a bachelor.『18words』

19、All that will be of little comfort for friends of Israel who fear and deplore its increasing isolation.『18words』

20、Actually, we deplore the use of the terms junk foods and empty calories. Why? Because we seldom eat a single food.『21words』



21、“Looking around me I deplore the lack of style and elegance in most modern plays," he wrote in one of his last letters.『23words』

22、The husband is that to let you deplore greatly because he catch cold shed tears, see him having one more rice but happy man.『24words』

23、I deplore the writings of so-called military history by people concerned with rushing into print so as to catch a market that is still fresh.『25words』

24、It is a bit too easy for people in the West to deplore the failure of intellectuals living in unfree societies to follow the example of a Solzhenitsyn.『28words』

25、It is a bit too easy for people in the West to deplore the failure of intellectuals living in unfree societies to follow the example of a Solzhenitsyn. Such stories are rare.『32words』

26、For much of the crisis, the American administration has been trying hard to avoid making a choice: Mubarak is our ally but we deplore violence and are on the side of "reform", goes the line.『35words』

27、The remains of those earth mounds, now referred to as Chu'Ge'Tai or the Music Terraces of Chu, are still found here and there around Gaixia today. Standing in front of them, one will involuntarily think back on and deplore the tragic fate of Xiang Yu.『45words』

28、Half a century ago, Japanese militarists and German fascists committed inhuman atrocities in Asia and Europe, atrocities which people over the world deplore. How sad to see, half a century later, the same tragedy actually being replayed in Indonesia, a country which was not at war.『46words』

